This juicy specimen has great aesthetics, perched front and center on matrix as it is! The crystal is 4 cm long and 10-1mm thick. The crystal is terminated atop (though with a contact on the back of that termination that is in any case not visible from the display face) and is probably terminated on the bottom, though it is rough there and so the termination is a "technical" contacted termination at best where it had grown against another mineral, though again it looks fine from the front view. It has juicy, top color that is unmistakeable even to laymen, and it has some gemminess though it is not transparent or gem-quality per se. It is translucent through most of the length, and transparent at the tip. This dramatic crystal is associated with jewel-like, multifaceted calcites that really accent the crystal and contrast with it. As it is a long crystal, it has a natural fracture around the halfway point but this is hidden and held together by the surrounding calcite and is not detracting . 4.5 x 4.5 x 2.5 cm
Attribution: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0
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