blob: 3776f9359c965464f6ce80594b9c5a78879353a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* @file
namespace MediaWiki\Specials;
use ErrorPageError;
use HtmlArmor;
use LogEventsList;
use MediaWiki\Block\BlockActionInfo;
use MediaWiki\Block\BlockPermissionCheckerFactory;
use MediaWiki\Block\BlockUser;
use MediaWiki\Block\BlockUserFactory;
use MediaWiki\Block\BlockUtils;
use MediaWiki\Block\DatabaseBlock;
use MediaWiki\Block\DatabaseBlockStore;
use MediaWiki\Block\Restriction\ActionRestriction;
use MediaWiki\Block\Restriction\NamespaceRestriction;
use MediaWiki\Block\Restriction\PageRestriction;
use MediaWiki\CommentStore\CommentStore;
use MediaWiki\Context\IContextSource;
use MediaWiki\Html\Html;
use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\HTMLForm;
use MediaWiki\Language\Language;
use MediaWiki\MainConfigNames;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Message\Message;
use MediaWiki\Page\PageReference;
use MediaWiki\Page\PageReferenceValue;
use MediaWiki\Permissions\Authority;
use MediaWiki\Request\WebRequest;
use MediaWiki\SpecialPage\FormSpecialPage;
use MediaWiki\SpecialPage\SpecialPage;
use MediaWiki\Status\Status;
use MediaWiki\Title\NamespaceInfo;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MediaWiki\Title\TitleFormatter;
use MediaWiki\User\User;
use MediaWiki\User\UserIdentity;
use MediaWiki\User\UserNamePrefixSearch;
use MediaWiki\User\UserNameUtils;
use OOUI\FieldLayout;
use OOUI\HtmlSnippet;
use OOUI\LabelWidget;
use OOUI\Widget;
use Wikimedia\IPUtils;
use Wikimedia\Message\MessageSpecifier;
* Allow users with 'block' user right to block IPs and user accounts from
* editing pages and other actions.
* @ingroup SpecialPage
class SpecialBlock extends FormSpecialPage {
private BlockUtils $blockUtils;
private BlockPermissionCheckerFactory $blockPermissionCheckerFactory;
private BlockUserFactory $blockUserFactory;
private DatabaseBlockStore $blockStore;
private UserNameUtils $userNameUtils;
private UserNamePrefixSearch $userNamePrefixSearch;
private BlockActionInfo $blockActionInfo;
private TitleFormatter $titleFormatter;
/** @var UserIdentity|string|null User to be blocked, as passed either by parameter
* (url?wp_target=Foo) or as subpage (Special:Block/Foo)
protected $_target;
/** @var int DatabaseBlock::TYPE_ constant */
protected $type;
/** @var User|string The previous block _target */
protected $previous_target;
/** @var bool Whether the previous submission of the form asked for HideUser */
protected $requestedHideUser;
/** @var bool */
protected $alreadyBlocked;
* @var MessageSpecifier[]
protected $preErrors = [];
/** @var bool */
protected bool $useCodex = false;
/** @var bool */
protected bool $useMultiblocks = false;
* @var array <mixed,mixed> An associative array used to pass vars to Codex form
protected array $codexFormData = [];
private NamespaceInfo $namespaceInfo;
* @param BlockUtils $blockUtils
* @param BlockPermissionCheckerFactory $blockPermissionCheckerFactory
* @param BlockUserFactory $blockUserFactory
* @param DatabaseBlockStore $blockStore
* @param UserNameUtils $userNameUtils
* @param UserNamePrefixSearch $userNamePrefixSearch
* @param BlockActionInfo $blockActionInfo
* @param TitleFormatter $titleFormatter
* @param NamespaceInfo $namespaceInfo
public function __construct(
BlockUtils $blockUtils,
BlockPermissionCheckerFactory $blockPermissionCheckerFactory,
BlockUserFactory $blockUserFactory,
DatabaseBlockStore $blockStore,
UserNameUtils $userNameUtils,
UserNamePrefixSearch $userNamePrefixSearch,
BlockActionInfo $blockActionInfo,
TitleFormatter $titleFormatter,
NamespaceInfo $namespaceInfo
) {
parent::__construct( 'Block', 'block' );
$this->blockUtils = $blockUtils;
$this->blockPermissionCheckerFactory = $blockPermissionCheckerFactory;
$this->blockUserFactory = $blockUserFactory;
$this->blockStore = $blockStore;
$this->userNameUtils = $userNameUtils;
$this->userNamePrefixSearch = $userNamePrefixSearch;
$this->blockActionInfo = $blockActionInfo;
$this->titleFormatter = $titleFormatter;
$this->namespaceInfo = $namespaceInfo;
$this->useCodex = $this->getConfig()->get( MainConfigNames::UseCodexSpecialBlock ) ||
$this->getRequest()->getBool( 'usecodex' );
$this->useMultiblocks = $this->getConfig()->get( MainConfigNames::EnableMultiBlocks ) ||
$this->getRequest()->getBool( 'multiblocks' );
public function getDescription(): Message {
return $this->msg( $this->useMultiblocks ? 'block-manage-blocks' : 'block' );
* @inheritDoc
public function execute( $par ) {
parent::execute( $par );
if ( $this->useCodex ) {
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockEnableMultiblocks' ] = $this->useMultiblocks;
$this->codexFormData[ 'block_targetUser' ] = $this->_target instanceof UserIdentity ?
$this->_target->getName() :
$this->_target ?? null;
$authority = $this->getAuthority();
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockShowSuppressLog' ] = $authority->isAllowed( 'suppressionlog' );
$this->codexFormData[ 'canDeleteLogEntry' ] = $authority->isAllowed( 'deletelogentry' );
$this->getOutput()->addJsConfigVars( $this->codexFormData );
* @inheritDoc
public function doesWrites() {
return true;
* Check that the user can unblock themselves if they are trying to do so
* @param User $user
* @throws ErrorPageError
protected function checkExecutePermissions( User $user ) {
parent::checkExecutePermissions( $user );
// T17810: blocked admins should have limited access here
$status = $this->blockPermissionCheckerFactory
->newBlockPermissionChecker( $this->_target, $user )
if ( $status !== true ) {
throw new ErrorPageError( 'badaccess', $status );
* We allow certain special cases where user is blocked
* @return bool
public function requiresUnblock() {
return false;
* Handle some magic here
* @param string $par
protected function setParameter( $par ) {
// Extract variables from the request. Try not to get into a situation where we
// need to extract *every* variable from the form just for processing here, but
// there are legitimate uses for some variables
$request = $this->getRequest();
[ $this->_target, $this->type ] = $this->get_targetAndTypeInternal( $par, $request );
if ( $this->_target instanceof UserIdentity ) {
// Set the 'relevant user' in the skin, so it displays links like Contributions,
// User logs, UserRights, etc.
$this->getSkin()->setRelevantUser( $this->_target );
[ $this->previous_target, /*...*/ ] = $this->blockUtils
->parseBlock_target( $request->getVal( 'wpPrevious_target' ) );
$this->requestedHideUser = $request->getBool( 'wpHideUser' );
if ( $this->useCodex ) {
// Parse wpExpiry param
$givenExpiry = $request->getVal( 'wpExpiry', '' );
if ( wfIsInfinity( $givenExpiry ) ) {
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockExpiryPreset' ] = 'infinite';
} else {
$expiry = date_parse( $givenExpiry );
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockExpiryPreset' ] = isset( $expiry[ 'relative' ] ) ?
// Relative expiry (e.g. '1 week')
$givenExpiry :
// Absolute expiry, formatted for <input type="datetime-local">
$this->formatExpiryForHtml( $request->getVal( 'wpExpiry', '' ) );
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockTypePreset' ] =
$request->getVal( 'wpEditingRestriction' ) === 'sitewide' ||
$request->getVal( 'wpEditingRestriction' ) === 'partial' ?
$request->getVal( 'wpEditingRestriction' ) :
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockReasonPreset' ] = $request->getVal( 'wpReason' );
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockReasonOtherPreset' ] = $request->getVal( 'wpReason-other' );
$blockAdditionalDetailsPreset = $blockDetailsPreset = [];
// Default is to always block account creation.
if ( $request->getBool( 'wpCreateAccount', true ) ) {
$blockDetailsPreset[] = 'wpCreateAccount';
if ( $request->getBool( 'wpDisableEmail' ) ) {
$blockDetailsPreset[] = 'wpDisableEmail';
if ( $request->getBool( 'wpDisableUTEdit' ) ) {
$blockDetailsPreset[] = 'wpDisableUTEdit';
if ( $request->getVal( 'wpAutoBlock' ) !== '0' ) {
$blockAdditionalDetailsPreset[] = 'wpAutoBlock';
if ( $request->getBool( 'wpWatch' ) ) {
$blockAdditionalDetailsPreset[] = 'wpWatch';
if ( $request->getBool( 'wpHideUser' ) ) {
$blockAdditionalDetailsPreset[] = 'wpHideUser';
if ( $request->getBool( 'wpHardBlock' ) ) {
$blockAdditionalDetailsPreset[] = 'wpHardBlock';
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockDetailsPreset' ] = $blockDetailsPreset;
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockAdditionalDetailsPreset' ] = $blockAdditionalDetailsPreset;
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockPageRestrictions' ] = $request->getVal( 'wpPageRestrictions' );
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockNamespaceRestrictions' ] = $request->getVal( 'wpNamespaceRestrictions' );
* Customizes the HTMLForm a bit
* @param HTMLForm $form
protected function alterForm( HTMLForm $form ) {
$form->setHeaderHtml( '' );
$msg = $this->alreadyBlocked ? 'ipb-change-block' : 'ipbsubmit';
$form->setSubmitTextMsg( $msg );
$this->addHelpLink( 'Help:Blocking users' );
// Don't need to do anything if the form has been posted
if ( !$this->getRequest()->wasPosted() && $this->preErrors ) {
// Mimic error messages normally generated by the form
$form->addHeaderHtml( (string)new FieldLayout(
new Widget( [] ),
'align' => 'top',
'errors' => array_map( function ( $errMsg ) {
return new HtmlSnippet( $this->msg( $errMsg )->parse() );
}, $this->preErrors ),
) );
if ( $this->useCodex ) {
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockPreErrors' ] = array_map( function ( $errMsg ) {
return $this->msg( $errMsg )->parse();
}, $this->preErrors );
* @inheritDoc
protected function getDisplayFormat() {
return $this->useCodex ? 'codex' : 'ooui';
* Get the HTMLForm descriptor array for the block form
* @return array
protected function getFormFields() {
$conf = $this->getConfig();
$blockAllowsUTEdit = $conf->get( MainConfigNames::BlockAllowsUTEdit );
$user = $this->getUser();
$suggestedDurations = $this->getLanguage()->getBlockDurations();
$a = [];
$a['_target'] = [
'type' => 'user',
'ipallowed' => true,
'iprange' => true,
'id' => 'mw-bi-_target',
'size' => '45',
'autofocus' => true,
'required' => true,
'placeholder' => $this->msg( 'block-_target-placeholder' )->text(),
'validation-callback' => function ( $value, $alldata, $form ) {
$status = $this->blockUtils->validate_target( $value );
if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
$errors = $status->getMessages();
return $form->msg( $errors[0] );
return true;
'section' => '_target',
$editingRestrictionOptions = $this->useCodex ?
// If we're using Codex, use the option-descriptions feature, which is only supported by Codex
'options-messages' => [
'ipb-sitewide' => 'sitewide',
'ipb-partial' => 'partial'
'option-descriptions-messages' => [
'sitewide' => 'ipb-sitewide-help',
'partial' => 'ipb-partial-help'
'option-descriptions-messages-parse' => true,
] :
// Otherwise, if we're using OOUI, add the options' descriptions as part of their labels
'options' => [
$this->msg( 'ipb-sitewide' )->escaped() .
new LabelWidget( [
'classes' => [ 'oo-ui-inline-help' ],
'label' => new HtmlSnippet( $this->msg( 'ipb-sitewide-help' )->parse() ),
] ) => 'sitewide',
$this->msg( 'ipb-partial' )->escaped() .
new LabelWidget( [
'classes' => [ 'oo-ui-inline-help' ],
'label' => new HtmlSnippet( $this->msg( 'ipb-partial-help' )->parse() ),
] ) => 'partial',
$a['EditingRestriction'] = [
'type' => 'radio',
'cssclass' => 'mw-block-editing-restriction',
'default' => 'sitewide',
'section' => 'actions',
] + $editingRestrictionOptions;
$a['PageRestrictions'] = [
'type' => 'titlesmultiselect',
'label' => $this->msg( 'ipb-pages-label' )->text(),
'exists' => true,
'max' => 10,
'cssclass' => 'mw-htmlform-checkradio-indent mw-block-partial-restriction',
'default' => '',
'showMissing' => false,
'excludeDynamicNamespaces' => true,
'input' => [
'autocomplete' => false
'section' => 'actions',
$a['NamespaceRestrictions'] = [
'type' => 'namespacesmultiselect',
'label' => $this->msg( 'ipb-namespaces-label' )->text(),
'exists' => true,
'cssclass' => 'mw-htmlform-checkradio-indent mw-block-partial-restriction',
'default' => '',
'input' => [
'autocomplete' => false
'section' => 'actions',
if ( $conf->get( MainConfigNames::EnablePartialActionBlocks ) ) {
$blockActions = $this->blockActionInfo->getAllBlockActions();
$optionMessages = array_combine(
array_map( static function ( $action ) {
return "ipb-action-$action";
}, array_keys( $blockActions ) ),
$this->codexFormData[ 'partialBlockActionOptions'] = $optionMessages;
$a['ActionRestrictions'] = [
'type' => 'multiselect',
'cssclass' => 'mw-htmlform-checkradio-indent mw-block-partial-restriction mw-block-action-restriction',
'options-messages' => $optionMessages,
'section' => 'actions',
$a['CreateAccount'] = [
'type' => 'check',
'cssclass' => 'mw-block-restriction',
'label-message' => 'ipbcreateaccount',
'default' => true,
'section' => 'details',
if ( $this->blockPermissionCheckerFactory
->newBlockPermissionChecker( null, $user )
) {
$a['DisableEmail'] = [
'type' => 'check',
'cssclass' => 'mw-block-restriction',
'label-message' => 'ipbemailban',
'section' => 'details',
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockDisableEmailVisible'] = true;
if ( $blockAllowsUTEdit ) {
$a['DisableUTEdit'] = [
'type' => 'check',
'cssclass' => 'mw-block-restriction',
'label-message' => 'ipb-disableusertalk',
'default' => false,
'section' => 'details',
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockDisableUTEditVisible'] = true;
$defaultExpiry = $this->msg( 'ipb-default-expiry' )->inContentLanguage();
if ( $this->type === DatabaseBlock::TYPE_RANGE || $this->type === DatabaseBlock::TYPE_IP ) {
$defaultExpiryIP = $this->msg( 'ipb-default-expiry-ip' )->inContentLanguage();
if ( !$defaultExpiryIP->isDisabled() ) {
$defaultExpiry = $defaultExpiryIP;
$a['Expiry'] = [
'type' => 'expiry',
'required' => true,
'options' => $suggestedDurations,
'default' => $defaultExpiry->text(),
'section' => 'expiry',
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockExpiryOptions' ] = $suggestedDurations;
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockExpiryDefault' ] = $defaultExpiry->text();
$a['Reason'] = [
'type' => 'selectandother',
// HTML maxlength uses "UTF-16 code units", which means that characters outside BMP
// (e.g. emojis) count for two each. This limit is overridden in JS to instead count
// Unicode codepoints.
'maxlength' => CommentStore::COMMENT_CHARACTER_LIMIT,
'maxlength-unit' => 'codepoints',
'options-message' => 'ipbreason-dropdown',
'section' => 'reason',
'help-message' => 'block-reason-help',
if ( $this->useCodex ) {
$blockReasonOptions = Html::listDropdownOptionsCodex(
Html::listDropdownOptions( $this->msg( 'ipbreason-dropdown' )->plain(),
[ 'other' => $this->msg( 'htmlform-selectorother-other' )->text() ]
) );
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockReasonOptions' ] = $blockReasonOptions;
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockReasonMaxLength' ] = CommentStore::COMMENT_CHARACTER_LIMIT;
$a['AutoBlock'] = [
'type' => 'check',
'label-message' => [
Message::durationParam( $conf->get( MainConfigNames::AutoblockExpiry ) )
'default' => true,
'section' => 'options',
$this->codexFormData['blockAutoblockExpiry'] = $this->getLanguage()
->formatDuration( $conf->get( MainConfigNames::AutoblockExpiry ) );
// Allow some users to hide name from block log, blocklist and listusers
if ( $this->getAuthority()->isAllowed( 'hideuser' ) ) {
$a['HideUser'] = [
'type' => 'check',
'label-message' => 'ipbhidename',
'cssclass' => 'mw-block-hideuser',
'section' => 'options',
$this->codexFormData['blockHideUser'] = true;
// Watchlist their user page? (Only if user is logged in)
if ( $user->isRegistered() ) {
$a['Watch'] = [
'type' => 'check',
'label-message' => 'ipbwatchuser',
'section' => 'options',
$a['HardBlock'] = [
'type' => 'check',
'label-message' => 'ipb-hardblock',
'default' => false,
'section' => 'options',
// This is basically a copy of the _target field, but the user can't change it, so we
// can see if the warnings we maybe showed to the user before still apply
$a['Previous_target'] = [
'type' => 'hidden',
'default' => false,
// We'll turn this into a checkbox if we need to
$a['Confirm'] = [
'type' => 'hidden',
'default' => '',
'label-message' => 'ipb-confirm',
'cssclass' => 'mw-block-confirm',
$this->maybeAlterFormDefaults( $a );
// Allow extensions to add more fields
$this->getHookRunner()->onSpecialBlockModifyFormFields( $this, $a );
return $a;
* If the user has already been blocked with similar settings, load that block
* and change the defaults for the form fields to match the existing settings.
* @param array &$fields HTMLForm descriptor array
protected function maybeAlterFormDefaults( &$fields ) {
// This will be overwritten by request data
$fields['_target']['default'] = (string)$this->_target;
if ( $this->_target ) {
$status = $this->blockUtils->validate_target( $this->_target );
if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
$errors = $status->getMessages( 'error' );
$this->preErrors = array_merge( $this->preErrors, $errors );
// This won't be
$fields['Previous_target']['default'] = (string)$this->_target;
$block = $this->blockStore->newFrom_target( $this->_target );
// Populate fields if there is a block that is not an autoblock; if it is a range
// block, only populate the fields if the range is the same as $this->_target
if ( $block instanceof DatabaseBlock && $block->getType() !== DatabaseBlock::TYPE_AUTO
&& ( $this->type != DatabaseBlock::TYPE_RANGE
|| ( $this->_target && $block->isBlocking( $this->_target ) ) )
) {
$fields['HardBlock']['default'] = $block->isHardblock();
$fields['CreateAccount']['default'] = $block->isCreateAccountBlocked();
$fields['AutoBlock']['default'] = $block->isAutoblocking();
if ( isset( $fields['DisableEmail'] ) ) {
$fields['DisableEmail']['default'] = $block->isEmailBlocked();
if ( isset( $fields['HideUser'] ) ) {
$fields['HideUser']['default'] = $block->getHideName();
if ( isset( $fields['DisableUTEdit'] ) ) {
$fields['DisableUTEdit']['default'] = !$block->isUsertalkEditAllowed();
// If the username was hidden (bl_deleted == 1), don't show the reason
// unless this user also has rights to hideuser: T37839
if ( !$block->getHideName() || $this->getAuthority()->isAllowed( 'hideuser' ) ) {
$fields['Reason']['default'] = $block->getReasonComment()->text;
} else {
$fields['Reason']['default'] = '';
if ( $this->getRequest()->wasPosted() ) {
// Ok, so we got a POST submission asking us to reblock a user. So show the
// confirm checkbox; the user will only see it if they haven't previously
$fields['Confirm']['type'] = 'check';
} else {
// We got a _target, but it wasn't a POST request, so the user must have gone
// to a link like [[Special:Block/User]]. We don't need to show the checkbox
// as long as they go ahead and block *that* user
$fields['Confirm']['default'] = 1;
if ( $block->getExpiry() == 'infinity' ) {
$fields['Expiry']['default'] = $this->codexFormData[ 'blockExpiryDefault' ] = 'infinite';
} else {
$fields['Expiry']['default'] = wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, $block->getExpiry() );
// Don't overwrite if expiry was specified in the URL
if ( !isset( $this->codexFormData[ 'blockExpiryPreset' ] ) ) {
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockExpiryPreset' ] = $this->formatExpiryForHtml( $block->getExpiry() );
if ( !$block->isSitewide() ) {
$fields['EditingRestriction']['default'] =
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockTypePreset' ] = 'partial';
$pageRestrictions = [];
$namespaceRestrictions = [];
foreach ( $block->getRestrictions() as $restriction ) {
if ( $restriction instanceof PageRestriction && $restriction->getTitle() ) {
$pageRestrictions[] = $restriction->getTitle()->getPrefixedText();
} elseif ( $restriction instanceof NamespaceRestriction &&
$this->namespaceInfo->exists( $restriction->getValue() )
) {
$namespaceRestrictions[] = $restriction->getValue();
// Sort the restrictions so they are in alphabetical order.
sort( $pageRestrictions );
$fields['PageRestrictions']['default'] =
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockPageRestrictions' ] = implode( "\n", $pageRestrictions );
sort( $namespaceRestrictions );
$fields['NamespaceRestrictions']['default'] =
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockNamespaceRestrictions' ] = implode( "\n", $namespaceRestrictions );
if ( $this->getConfig()->get( MainConfigNames::EnablePartialActionBlocks ) ) {
$actionRestrictions = [];
foreach ( $block->getRestrictions() as $restriction ) {
if ( $restriction instanceof ActionRestriction ) {
$actionRestrictions[] = $restriction->getValue();
$fields['ActionRestrictions']['default'] = $actionRestrictions;
$this->alreadyBlocked = true;
$this->codexFormData[ 'blockAlreadyBlocked' ] = $this->alreadyBlocked;
$this->preErrors[] = $this->msg( 'ipb-needreblock', wfEscapeWikiText( $block->get_targetName() ) );
if ( $this->alreadyBlocked || $this->getRequest()->wasPosted()
|| $this->getRequest()->getCheck( 'wpCreateAccount' )
) {
$this->getOutput()->addJsConfigVars( 'wgCreateAccountDirty', true );
// We always need confirmation to do HideUser
if ( $this->requestedHideUser && $this->getAuthority()->isAllowed( 'hideuser' ) ) {
$fields['Confirm']['type'] = 'check';
unset( $fields['Confirm']['default'] );
$this->preErrors[] = $this->msg( 'ipb-confirmhideuser', 'ipb-confirmaction' );
// Or if the user is trying to block themselves
if ( (string)$this->_target === $this->getUser()->getName() ) {
$fields['Confirm']['type'] = 'check';
unset( $fields['Confirm']['default'] );
$this->preErrors[] = $this->msg( 'ipb-blockingself', 'ipb-confirmaction' );
* Format a date string for use by <input type="datetime-local">
* @param string $expiry
* @return string Formatted as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm
private function formatExpiryForHtml( string $expiry ): string {
if ( preg_match( '/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}/', $expiry ) === 1 ) {
// YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm which is accepted by <input type="datetime-local">, but not by MediaWiki.
return substr( $expiry, 0, 16 );
} elseif ( $expiry === '' ) {
// No expiry specified
return '';
return substr( wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, $expiry ), 0, 16 );
* Add header elements like block log entries, etc.
* @return string
protected function preHtml() {
$this->getOutput()->addModuleStyles( [ 'mediawiki.special' ] );
if ( $this->useCodex ) {
$this->getOutput()->addModules( [ 'mediawiki.special.block.codex' ] );
} else {
$this->getOutput()->addModules( [ 'mediawiki.special.block' ] );
$blockCIDRLimit = $this->getConfig()->get( MainConfigNames::BlockCIDRLimit );
$text = $this->msg( 'blockiptext', $blockCIDRLimit['IPv4'], $blockCIDRLimit['IPv6'] )->parse();
$otherBlockMessages = [];
if ( $this->_target !== null ) {
$_targetName = $this->_target;
if ( $this->_target instanceof UserIdentity ) {
$_targetName = $this->_target->getName();
// Get other blocks, i.e. from GlobalBlocking or TorBlock extension
$otherBlockMessages, $_targetName );
if ( count( $otherBlockMessages ) ) {
$s = Html::rawElement(
$this->msg( 'ipb-otherblocks-header', count( $otherBlockMessages ) )->parse()
) . "\n";
$list = '';
foreach ( $otherBlockMessages as $link ) {
$list .= Html::rawElement( 'li', [], $link ) . "\n";
$s .= Html::rawElement(
[ 'class' => 'mw-blockip-alreadyblocked' ],
) . "\n";
$text .= $s;
return $text;
* Add footer elements to the form
* @return string
protected function postHtml() {
$links = [];
$this->getOutput()->addModuleStyles( 'mediawiki.special' );
$linkRenderer = $this->getLinkRenderer();
// Link to the user's contributions, if applicable
if ( $this->_target instanceof UserIdentity ) {
$contribsPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Contributions', $this->_target->getName() );
$links[] = $linkRenderer->makeLink(
$this->msg( 'ipb-blocklist-contribs', $this->_target->getName() )->text()
// Link to unblock the specified user, or to a blank unblock form
if ( $this->_target instanceof UserIdentity ) {
$message = $this->msg(
wfEscapeWikiText( $this->_target->getName() )
$list = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Unblock', $this->_target->getName() );
} else {
$message = $this->msg( 'ipb-unblock' )->parse();
$list = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Unblock' );
$links[] = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink(
new HtmlArmor( $message )
// Link to the block list
$links[] = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink(
SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'BlockList' ),
$this->msg( 'ipb-blocklist' )->text()
// Link to edit the block dropdown reasons, if applicable
if ( $this->getAuthority()->isAllowed( 'editinterface' ) ) {
$links[] = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink(
$this->msg( 'ipbreason-dropdown' )->inContentLanguage()->getTitle(),
$this->msg( 'ipb-edit-dropdown' )->text(),
[ 'action' => 'edit' ]
$text = Html::rawElement(
[ 'class' => 'mw-ipb-conveniencelinks' ],
$this->getLanguage()->pipeList( $links )
$userPage = self::get_targetUserTitle( $this->_target );
if ( $userPage ) {
// Get relevant extracts from the block and suppression logs, if possible
$out = '';
'lim' => 10,
'msgKey' => [
$this->titleFormatter->getText( $userPage ),
'showIfEmpty' => false
$text .= $out;
// Add suppression block entries if allowed
if ( $this->getAuthority()->isAllowed( 'suppressionlog' ) ) {
'lim' => 10,
'conds' => [ 'log_action' => [ 'block', 'reblock', 'unblock' ] ],
'msgKey' => [
$this->titleFormatter->getText( $userPage ),
'showIfEmpty' => false
$text .= $out;
return $text;
* Get a user page _target for things like logs.
* This handles account and IP range _targets.
* @param UserIdentity|string|null $_target
* @return PageReference|null
protected static function get_targetUserTitle( $_target ): ?PageReference {
if ( $_target instanceof UserIdentity ) {
return PageReferenceValue::localReference( NS_USER, $_target->getName() );
if ( is_string( $_target ) && IPUtils::isIPAddress( $_target ) ) {
return PageReferenceValue::localReference( NS_USER, $_target );
return null;
* Get the _target and type, given the request and the subpage parameter.
* Several parameters are handled for backwards compatability. 'wp_target' is
* prioritized, since it matches the HTML form.
* @param string|null $par Subpage parameter passed to setup, or data value from
* the HTMLForm
* @param WebRequest $request Try and get data from a request too
* @return array [ UserIdentity|string|null, DatabaseBlock::TYPE_ constant|null ]
* @phan-return array{0:UserIdentity|string|null,1:int|null}
private function get_targetAndTypeInternal( ?string $par, WebRequest $request ) {
$possible_targets = [
$request->getVal( 'wp_target', null ),
$request->getVal( 'ip', null ),
// B/C @since 1.18
$request->getVal( 'wpBlockAddress', null ),
foreach ( $possible_targets as $possible_target ) {
$_targetAndType = $this->blockUtils
->parseBlock_target( $possible_target );
// If type is not null then _target is valid
if ( $_targetAndType[ 1 ] !== null ) {
return $_targetAndType;
* Given the form data, actually implement a block.
* @deprecated since 1.36, use BlockUserFactory service instead,
* hard-deprecated since 1.43
* @param array $data
* @param IContextSource $context
* @return bool|string|array|Status
public static function processForm( array $data, IContextSource $context ) {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.36' );
$services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
return self::processFormInternal(
* Implementation details for processForm
* Own function to allow sharing the deprecated code with non-deprecated and service code
* @param array $data
* @param Authority $performer
* @param BlockUserFactory $blockUserFactory
* @param BlockUtils $blockUtils
* @return bool|string|array|Status
private static function processFormInternal(
array $data,
Authority $performer,
BlockUserFactory $blockUserFactory,
BlockUtils $blockUtils
) {
// Temporarily access service container until the feature flag is removed: T280532
$enablePartialActionBlocks = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
->getMainConfig()->get( MainConfigNames::EnablePartialActionBlocks );
$isPartialBlock = isset( $data['EditingRestriction'] ) &&
$data['EditingRestriction'] === 'partial';
// This might have been a hidden field or a checkbox, so interesting data
// can come from it
$data['Confirm'] = !in_array( $data['Confirm'], [ '', '0', null, false ], true );
// If the user has done the form 'properly', they won't even have been given the
// option to suppress-block unless they have the 'hideuser' permission
if ( !isset( $data['HideUser'] ) ) {
$data['HideUser'] = false;
/** @var User $_target */
[ $_target, $type ] = $blockUtils->parseBlock_target( $data['_target'] );
if ( $type == DatabaseBlock::TYPE_USER ) {
$_target = $_target->getName();
// Give admins a heads-up before they go and block themselves. Much messier
// to do this for IPs, but it's pretty unlikely they'd ever get the 'block'
// permission anyway, although the code does allow for it.
// Note: Important to use $_target instead of $data['_target']
// since both $data['Previous_target'] and $_target are normalized
// but $data['_target'] gets overridden by (non-normalized) request variable
// from previous request.
if ( $_target === $performer->getUser()->getName() &&
( $data['Previous_target'] !== $_target || !$data['Confirm'] )
) {
return [ 'ipb-blockingself', 'ipb-confirmaction' ];
if ( $data['HideUser'] && !$data['Confirm'] ) {
return [ 'ipb-confirmhideuser', 'ipb-confirmaction' ];
} elseif ( $type == DatabaseBlock::TYPE_IP ) {
$_target = $_target->getName();
} elseif ( $type != DatabaseBlock::TYPE_RANGE ) {
// This should have been caught in the form field validation
return [ 'badipaddress' ];
// Reason, to be passed to the block object. For default values of reason, see
// HTMLSelectAndOtherField::getDefault
$blockReason = $data['Reason'][0] ?? '';
$pageRestrictions = [];
$namespaceRestrictions = [];
$actionRestrictions = [];
if ( $isPartialBlock ) {
if ( isset( $data['PageRestrictions'] ) && $data['PageRestrictions'] !== '' ) {
$titles = explode( "\n", $data['PageRestrictions'] );
foreach ( $titles as $title ) {
$pageRestrictions[] = PageRestriction::newFromTitle( $title );
if ( isset( $data['NamespaceRestrictions'] ) && $data['NamespaceRestrictions'] !== '' ) {
$namespaceRestrictions = array_map( static function ( $id ) {
return new NamespaceRestriction( 0, (int)$id );
}, explode( "\n", $data['NamespaceRestrictions'] ) );
if (
$enablePartialActionBlocks &&
isset( $data['ActionRestrictions'] ) &&
$data['ActionRestrictions'] !== ''
) {
$actionRestrictions = array_map( static function ( $id ) {
return new ActionRestriction( 0, $id );
}, $data['ActionRestrictions'] );
$restrictions = array_merge( $pageRestrictions, $namespaceRestrictions, $actionRestrictions );
if ( !isset( $data['Tags'] ) ) {
$data['Tags'] = [];
$blockOptions = [
'isCreateAccountBlocked' => $data['CreateAccount'],
'isHardBlock' => $data['HardBlock'],
'isAutoblocking' => $data['AutoBlock'],
'isHideUser' => $data['HideUser'],
'isPartial' => $isPartialBlock,
if ( isset( $data['DisableUTEdit'] ) ) {
$blockOptions['isUserTalkEditBlocked'] = $data['DisableUTEdit'];
if ( isset( $data['DisableEmail'] ) ) {
$blockOptions['isEmailBlocked'] = $data['DisableEmail'];
$blockUser = $blockUserFactory->newBlockUser(
// Indicates whether the user is confirming the block and is aware of
// the conflict (did not change the block _target in the meantime)
$blockNotConfirmed = !$data['Confirm'] || ( array_key_exists( 'Previous_target', $data )
&& $data['Previous_target'] !== $_target );
// Special case for API - T34434
$reblockNotAllowed = ( array_key_exists( 'Reblock', $data ) && !$data['Reblock'] );
$doReblock = !$blockNotConfirmed && !$reblockNotAllowed;
$status = $blockUser->placeBlock( $doReblock );
if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
return $status;
if (
// Can't watch a range block
$type != DatabaseBlock::TYPE_RANGE
// Technically a wiki can be configured to allow anonymous users to place blocks,
// in which case the 'Watch' field isn't included in the form shown, and we should
// not try to access it.
&& array_key_exists( 'Watch', $data )
&& $data['Watch']
) {
Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $_target )
return true;
* Get an array of suggested block durations from MediaWiki:Ipboptions
* @todo FIXME: This uses a rather odd syntax for the options, should it be converted
* to the standard "**<duration>|<displayname>" format?
* @deprecated since 1.42, use Language::getBlockDurations() instead,
* hard-deprecated since 1.43
* @param Language|null $lang The language to get the durations in, or null to use
* the wiki's content language
* @param bool $includeOther Whether to include the 'other' option in the list of
* suggestions
* @return string[]
public static function getSuggestedDurations( ?Language $lang = null, $includeOther = true ) {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.42' );
$lang ??= MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage();
return $lang->getBlockDurations( $includeOther );
* Convert a submitted expiry time, which may be relative ("2 weeks", etc) or absolute
* ("24 May 2034", etc), into an absolute timestamp we can put into the database.
* @deprecated since 1.36, use BlockUser::parseExpiryInput instead,
* hard-deprecated since 1.43
* @param string $expiry Whatever was typed into the form
* @return string|bool Timestamp or 'infinity' or false on error.
public static function parseExpiryInput( $expiry ) {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.36' );
return BlockUser::parseExpiryInput( $expiry );
* Can we do an email block?
* @deprecated since 1.36, use BlockPermissionChecker service instead,
* hard-deprecated since 1.43
* @param UserIdentity $user The sysop wanting to make a block
* @return bool
public static function canBlockEmail( UserIdentity $user ) {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.36' );
return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
->newBlockPermissionChecker( null, User::newFromIdentity( $user ) )
* Process the form on POST submission.
* @param array $data
* @param HTMLForm|null $form
* @return bool|string|array|Status As documented for HTMLForm::trySubmit.
public function onSubmit( array $data, ?HTMLForm $form = null ) {
return self::processFormInternal(
* Do something exciting on successful processing of the form, most likely to show a
* confirmation message
public function onSuccess() {
$out = $this->getOutput();
$out->setPageTitleMsg( $this->msg( 'blockipsuccesssub' ) );
$out->addWikiMsg( 'blockipsuccesstext', wfEscapeWikiText( $this->_target ) );
* Return an array of subpages beginning with $search that this special page will accept.
* @param string $search Prefix to search for
* @param int $limit Maximum number of results to return (usually 10)
* @param int $offset Number of results to skip (usually 0)
* @return string[] Matching subpages
public function prefixSearchSubpages( $search, $limit, $offset ) {
$search = $this->userNameUtils->getCanonical( $search );
if ( !$search ) {
// No prefix suggestion for invalid user
return [];
// Autocomplete subpage as user list - public to allow caching
return $this->userNamePrefixSearch
->search( UserNamePrefixSearch::AUDIENCE_PUBLIC, $search, $limit, $offset );
* @inheritDoc
protected function getGroupName() {
return 'users';
/** @deprecated class alias since 1.41 */
class_alias( SpecialBlock::class, 'SpecialBlock' );
Interesting 1
Intern 5
mac 4
Note 1
os 16
text 33
todo 1
Users 6
web 3