Tool that helps to describe / tag images contributed to Wiki Loves competitions

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  1. 5aa1b9f Localisation updates from by Translation updater bot · 2 weeks ago main
  2. ca38e3a Localisation updates from by Translation updater bot · 5 weeks ago
  3. fff51c6 Localisation updates from by Translation updater bot · 6 weeks ago
  4. 625b7de Localisation updates from by Translation updater bot · 7 weeks ago
  5. efdf40a Localisation updates from by Translation updater bot · 8 weeks ago

# Isa

This tool helps to describe the images contributed to Wiki Loves competitions.

Isa is not only an acronym for information structured additions, but is also a chiShona language word for ‘put’.


Installing dependencies

Install application dependencies using the script:


The above script attempts to check system requirements and informs user on next steps.

Quickstart the app

Add a database, e.g. for Mysql:

create database isa;

and create all the tables. in Python run:

from isa import db
from isa.models import *

Then set the config variable in config.yaml, e.g.:

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI: 'mysql+pymysql://localhost/isa'
    broker_url: redis://localhost

Then start Flask:

export # add --reload parameter to enable Flask auto-compilation feature
flask run


If you want to run ISA during development you can set the config variable ISA_DEV to true. This will allow you to use it as normal with all actions being made by the user "Dev". No changes will be made to Commons.

You need to create the user manually by running the following Python code:

from isa.users.utils import add_user_to_db

Managing Translations

Steps 1 to 3a below show how to extract and generate translation files from the source code.

Start from step 3b if you are only adding a new supported language for the app.

Start from step 4 if you are only adding translated text for already supported languages.

Skip directly to step 5 if you have pulled changes which include updated translations (edited .po files).

All commands should be run from the /isa subfolder.

1. Add or edit translatable text in source code

Mark new strings to be translated using formats shown below:

  • Templates: _('')
  • Python: gettext('')

2. Extract strings to .pot file

run pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o messages.pot --input-dirs=. This step is only needed after changes have been made to translatable text in the source code in step 1.

3a. Update .po files

run pybabel update -i messages.pot -d translations -l <lang_code> Use this command to update .po files for each supported language.

It will merge in any new strings found in the .pot file generated in step 2. Any strings that are no longer found are placed at the bottom of the file, using commented out lines beginning with #~

3b. Create new .po file

run pybabel init -i messages.pot -d translations -l <lang_code> Use this command to create a new .po file.

This step is only needed when adding a new supported language. Commit the new .po file to source control.

4. Add new translations

Add the actual translated text for each language to the corresponding .po file located at isa/translations/<lang_code>/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po

This step should be completed by translators, so can happen at any time. Commit any changes to .po files to source control.

5. Compile final .mo file

run pybabel compile -d translations Once translations are ready from step 4 (or from pulling changes with updated .po files), you need run the compile command before seeing the new translations in the app.

Testing the application

  • To run tests from the applications root directory, use the command nose2 -v tests.<test_module_name>

  • To get a blueprint's coverage, run following commands:

    • From the applications root directory, run coverage run -m unittest discover
    • Then run coverage report -m isa/<blueprint_name>/*.py>

Maintenance scripts

Maintenance scripts are found in isa/maintenance. Run them as modules in the root directory, e.g. python -m isa.maintenance.update_campaign_images.

Database migrations

Migrations are found in isa/migrations. After a new install, or upon upgrade run the following commands:

  • Add alembic metadata to current database with the latest revision using flask db stamp head
  • Upon a new modification in the model, generate a new migration using flask db migrate
  • Add the incoming migrations to the current database using flask db upgrade


ISA development has been supported by:

languages 1
os 3
text 5
Users 1