blob: edb984c0c0ee33f3b858398ba036ea213b9b03b6 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
module.exports = function ( grunt ) {
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-banana-checker' );
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-copy' );
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-eslint' );
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-karma' );
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-stylelint' );
const wgServer = process.env.MW_SERVER;
const wgScriptPath = process.env.MW_SCRIPT_PATH;
const karmaProxy = {};
let qunitPattern = wgServer + wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=Special:JavaScriptTest/qunit/export';
// "MediaWiki" for core, or extension/skin name (e.g. "GrowthExperiments")
const qunitComponent = grunt.option( 'qunit-component' ) || null;
if ( qunitComponent ) {
qunitPattern = qunitPattern + '&component=' + qunitComponent;
karmaProxy[ wgScriptPath ] = {
_target: wgServer + wgScriptPath,
changeOrigin: true
grunt.initConfig( {
eslint: {
options: {
extensions: [ '.js', '.json', '.vue' ],
cache: true,
fix: grunt.option( 'fix' )
all: '.'
banana: {
options: {
requireLowerCase: false,
disallowBlankTranslations: false
core: 'languages/i18n/',
exif: 'languages/i18n/exif/',
api: 'includes/api/i18n/',
rest: 'includes/Rest/i18n/',
installer: 'includes/installer/i18n/',
paramvalidator: 'includes/libs/ParamValidator/i18n/'
stylelint: {
options: {
reportNeedlessDisables: true
src: '{resources/src,mw-config}/**/*.{css,less,vue}'
watch: {
files: [
tasks: 'test'
karma: {
options: {
customLaunchers: {
ChromeCustom: {
base: 'ChromeHeadless',
// Chrome requires --no-sandbox in Docker/CI.
// WMF CI images expose CHROMIUM_FLAGS which sets that.
flags: ( process.env.CHROMIUM_FLAGS || '' ).split( ' ' )
proxies: karmaProxy,
files: [ {
pattern: qunitPattern,
type: 'js',
watched: false,
included: true,
served: false
} ],
logLevel: ( process.env.ZUUL_PROJECT ? 'DEBUG' : 'INFO' ),
frameworks: [ 'qunit' ],
reporters: [ 'mocha' ],
singleRun: true,
autoWatch: false,
// Some tests in extensions don't yield for more than the default 10s (T89075)
browserNoActivityTimeout: 60 * 1000,
// Karma requires Same-Origin (or CORS) by default since v1.1.1
// for better stacktraces. But we load the first request from wgServer
crossOriginAttribute: false
main: {
browsers: [ 'ChromeCustom' ]
firefox: {
browsers: [ 'FirefoxHeadless' ]
copy: {
jsduck: {
src: 'resources/**/*',
dest: 'docs/js/modules',
expand: true,
rename: function ( dest, src ) {
return require( 'path' ).join( dest, src.replace( 'resources/', '' ) );
} );
grunt.registerTask( 'assert-mw-env', function () {
let ok = true;
if ( !process.env.MW_SERVER ) {
grunt.log.error( 'Environment variable MW_SERVER must be set.\n' +
'Set this like $wgServer, e.g. "http://localhost"'
ok = false;
if ( !process.env.MW_SCRIPT_PATH ) {
grunt.log.error( 'Environment variable MW_SCRIPT_PATH must be set.\n' +
'Set this like $wgScriptPath, e.g. "/w"' );
ok = false;
return ok;
} );
grunt.registerTask( 'lint', [ 'eslint', 'banana', 'stylelint' ] );
grunt.registerTask( 'qunit', [ 'assert-mw-env', 'karma:main' ] );
Project 1