A library for performing automatic detection of assessment classes of Wikipedia article text.

Clone this repo:
  1. 0b83f3f add dropped support warning message (#176) by Ilias Sarantopoulos · 1 year, 1 month ago master
  2. 1318f1e feat: add github action that pushes to PYPI (#175) by Ilias Sarantopoulos · 2 years, 1 month ago
  3. 401a980 Merge pull request #174 from kevinbazira/master by Kevin Bazira · 2 years, 3 months ago
  4. 55bc0f8 Retrain fawiki articlequality model by kevinbazira · 2 years, 3 months ago
  5. 1d028cf Merge pull request #173 from kevinbazira/fawiki-feature-lists by Kevin Bazira · 2 years, 4 months ago

Wikipedia article quality classification

While the code in this repository may still work, it is unmaintained, and as such may break at any time. Special consideration should also be given to machine learning models seeing drift in quality of predictions.

The replacement for ORES and associated infrastructure is Lift Wing: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Machine_Learning/LiftWing

Some Revscoring models from ORES run on the Lift Wing infrastructure, but they are otherwise unsupported (no new training or code updates).

They can be downloaded from the links documented at: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Machine_Learning/LiftWing#Revscoring_models_(migrated_from_ORES)

In the long term, some or all these models may be replaced by newer models specifically tailored to be run on modern ML infrastructure like Lift Wing.

If you have any questions, contact the WMF Machine Learning team: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Machine_Learning

This library provides a set of utilities for performing automatic detection of assessment classes of Wikipedia articles. For more information, see the full documentation at https://articlequality.readthedocs.io .

Compatible with Python 3.x only. Sorry.

Basic usage

>>> import articlequality
>>> from revscoring import Model
>>> scorer_model = Model.load(open("models/enwiki.nettrom_wp10.gradient_boosting.model", "rb"))
>>> text = "I am the text of a page.  I have a <ref>word</ref>"
>>> articlequality.score(scorer_model, text)
{'prediction': 'stub',
 'probability': {'stub': 0.27156163795807853,
                 'b': 0.14707452309674252,
                 'fa': 0.16844898943510833,
                 'c': 0.057668704007171959,
                 'ga': 0.21617801281707663,
                 'start': 0.13906813268582238}}



  • Python 3.5, 3.6 or 3.7
  • All the system requirements of revscoring

Installation steps

  1. clone this repository
  2. install the package itself and its dependencies python setup.py install
  3. You can verify that your installation worked by running make enwiki_models to build the English Wikipedia article quality model or make wikidatawiki_models to build the item quality model for Wikidata

Retraining the models

To retrain a model, run make -B MODEL e.g. make -B wikidatawiki_models. This will redownload the labels, re-extract the features from the revisions, and then retrain and rescore the model.

To skip re-downloading the training labels and re-extracting the features, it is enough touch the files in the datasets/ directory and run the make command without the -B flag.

Running tests


pytest -vv tests/feature_lists/test_wikidatawiki.py


mac 5
os 5
text 4
Training 3
Verify 1