Make H5 as easy as building blocks!
H5-Dooring is a powerful, open source, free H5 visual page configuration solution dedicated to providing a simple, convenient, professional and reliable, unlimited set of H5 landing page best practices. The technology stack is mainly react, developed in the background using nodejs.
home🏠 | demo✨ | doc📦 | tutorial | wiki |
website | Demo | Document | 视频&Video | wiki |
✨ note: If the official visit is too slow, visit the H5-Dooring for Singapore
English | 简体中文
new doc: private deployment process
website: H5-Dooring
tech blog: sharing of technology
Related products:
- V6.Dooring | Large screen visual editor
- dooring-electron-lowcode | Dooring desktop software
- flowmix/docx | 多模态文档引擎
- Dooring-Saas
- Dooring 智图
👤 alex_xu
Github: @MrXujiang
new tech share: Dooring2.7+最新技术分享&复盘
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
- address:
- ⭐️ lowcode component list:
- List of answers:
- gitee mini code:
- editor
- Guides
- The underlying component
- Visual components
- Media components
- Product components
- Dragper
- Configure the panel
- Form designer
- (Multi) Page management (copy, edit, delete, new)
- Component animation
- Component interaction
- Data source management
- Quick preview
- Real machine preview
- Undo and redo
- WeChat shares
- shortcut key
- The template library
- Desktop software, Dooring-electron, supports offline use
Enhanced features
- Upload json, convert to H5 with one click
- Photo gallery
- Code capability (download source, download dis package)
backend API
- Create, save, and update your work
- User management, rights management
- One-click intelligent analysis
- Data look
- Form data collection
- Form data presentation
- Form data analysis, one-click export excel, form multi-condition search
- Preview online
- QR code preview
- Template management
- Code interface
- Whether the video component adds a full-screen configuration item when playing
- Fixes a click failure of the icon component
- The editor supports multi-size switching and canvas size customization
- Fix multilingual issues with background management analytics forms
- The component library supports user-defined selection
The back-end part because of the knowledge points involved is more, is not the focus of this article, so here is a few points, you can use completely different technology to achieve back-office services, such as PHP, Java, Python or Egg. The author here is using the "koa" .
Specific code can refer to the full stack development article:
- Download the code
git clone
- Go to the project catalog
cd ./h5-Dooring
- Install the dependency package
yarn pkg
Launch the app locally
yarn start
cnpm run start
local visit:
注意: 如果 window 系统下无法启动, 请移步 dooring-electron
- The compression package can be unzipped directly to the server root, and access to the root address is sufficient
- 'vscode' installs the Live Server plug-in, unzips the downloaded compression package into a folder, opens with 'vscode', clicks on Live Server, and notes that to remove the 'index .html' of the startup path, change it to ''
If you find that the local boot component drag and drop encountered strange errors, is the third-party component in the development environment bug, you can take a step to solve:
If you find that the local start-up component drag encountered strange errors, is a bug that should be a third-party component in the development environment, can be resolved in a way:
yarn dev
cnpm run dev
The premise is to install the http-server module first.
Modern browsers does not support IE browser
IEdge |
Firefox |
Chrome |
Safari |
Edge | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions |
Twitter Account:@H5Dooring
- react-cropper-pro - 轻量强大的图片上传/裁切/压缩组件
- mitu-editor - 轻量级且强大的图片编辑器
- powerNice - 一款轻量级文档管理编辑器
- rc-drag - 基于 react 的轻量级拖拽缩放组件
- t-nav - 开箱即用的开源导航项目
- Luckysheet - 强大的在线 excel 编辑器
- Blink - 一款自定义的生成故障艺术动画的组件库
- frontend-developer-roadmap | 一个能提高开发者工作效率的前端 js 库汇总
- react-form-simple - 基于 react 开发的高性能表单库
- lucky-canvas 抽奖插件 | 一个支持 H5, 微信小程序, React 的抽奖插件
- vue-admin-box | 免费并且开源的中后台管理系统模板
- 基于 antd 开箱即用的后台管理模版 ant-simple-pro
- 使用 gin+vue 进行极速开发的全栈开发基础平台
- DevUI 中后台产品开源前端解决方案
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