% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/attachments.R \name{check_and_encode_files} \alias{check_and_encode_files} \title{Check that file paths exist and data is encoded if specified} \usage{ check_and_encode_files(dat, column = "Body", encode = TRUE, n_check = 100) } \arguments{ \item{dat}{\code{tbl_df} or \code{list} of information regarding attachments stored locally that will be encoded for use in the APIs.} \item{column}{\code{character}; a string that indicates which column in the \code{dat} argument is storing the body of information that needs to be encoded.} \item{encode}{\code{logical}; a indicator of whether the body column should be encoded in this step, which allows us to utilize this function for checking or checking and encoding.} \item{n_check}{\code{integer}; an integer specifying how many elements in the \code{dat} argument that should be checked to see if the referenced file path exists locally. This fails the function early if users accidentally specify the wrong path.} } \description{ Check that file paths exist and data is encoded if specified } \note{ This function is meant to be used internally. Only use when debugging. } \seealso{ Other Attachment functions: \code{\link{sf_create_attachment}()}, \code{\link{sf_delete_attachment}()}, \code{\link{sf_download_attachment}()}, \code{\link{sf_update_attachment}()} } \concept{Attachment functions} \keyword{internal}