version 2.2.0 (07/8/2019)
- Adds Sharable Character Sheets feature
- Fixes bug in creating notes
version 2.1.0 (04/29/2019)
- Updates some more validation constraints
- Fixes a bug with switching tabs
- Fixes calculations related to weight
- Adds Trap Encounter Section
- Adds inactivity timer
- Encounter sections that can be sent via the chat now have a symbol next to the field to indicate that they will be sent to the player
- Adds image links to various Encounter Sections
- Adds the ability to send more encounter sections through the chat
- Fix bug with connection status dot
version 2.0.3 (03/16/2019)
- Removes an unused version of font awesome
version 2.0.2 (03/9/2019)
- Updates spells to not require damage type
- Adds banner to account page to help remind users to register their account
version 2.0.1 (03/3/2019)
- Updates skills to support addition of new skills
- Fixes typo in DM screen
- Adds required marker to Armor stealth field
version 2.0.0 (03/2/2019)
- Adds support for cloud syncing
- Characters and campaigns are now synced between devices for a user's account
- Adds validation to all fields
- Various fixes and enhancements
- Various UI changes in modules with no modals + chat UI changes.
- Stability enhancements
version 1.6.2 (02/27/2018)
- Adds selenium testing compatibility.
- Fixes dropbox profile pictures not rendering in chat section.
- Fixes an issue with inventory and armor sorting.
- Fixes worth in gold calculation
- Fixes a longstanding issue with temp HP not being calculated properly with damage.
- Moves XMPP websocket to standard port.
- Players now auto-join party when they have only 1 saved party.
- Adds Random Number Generator service
- Applies a temporary workaround for Death Saves corrupting character sheets.
version 1.6.1 (1/19/2018)
- Fix autocomplete issues
- Fixed bug with the environment section in an encounter
version 1.6.0 (1/03/2018)
- App now stretches the whole screen on larger devices
- Import button is now disabled if there is no character selected to import
- Enhancement to death save and the health status line
- Added delete button on the character picker screen
- Notes section improvements
- Deleting a character no longer changes you to the first character on the list
- Various UI fixes for DM tools on mobile
- Remove select2 and add jquery auto-complete
- Move menu to the nav bar
- Implemented point buy system in the wizard
- Current character or campaign and tab is saved the URL so that those are loaded when the page is refreshed
- Various UI improvements and performance enhancements
version 1.5.3 (12/27/2017)
- fixes an issue with the latest version not working on older browser versions
version 1.5.2 (12/19/2017)
- Upgrades project build/deploy to webpack
- Drastically simplifies build process
- Fixes a number of internal code issues
- Adds support for continous deployment
- Adds support for testing environment and environment dependent variables
- Fixes an issue where deleting encounters would not not delete their data or their children.
- Fixes issue with deleting last note.
- Adds Dropbox Image support to all image fields.
- Adds migration to fix issue with monster ability scores causing slow performance.
- Fixes an issue with Monster Ability Scores continually saving new data.
- Fixes support page link
- Improves overall app load time and initial run performance.
- Adds version info to footer.
version 1.5.1 (8/01/2017)
- Adds subraces to races dropdown
- Fixes issue with switching characters
- Adds pre-population of traits based on selection of race in wizard
- Fixes issue with ellipse pictures in the picker
- Improves encounter switching speed
- Fixes issue where notes do not save when switching notes
- Adds new XMPP connection status indicator to player image
- Dropbox export is no longer shown to non-logged in users
- Adds status line for what party you're connected to
- Adds new tight-inner panel class that saves some space with tables
- Add populate backpacks
- Increases encoutner collapse button hit-box size
- Adds notifications service
- Characters are no longer dead upon creation
- Show party content offline
- Adds 4 minute XMPP ping to keep connection alive
- Remove ko from hp bar
- Adds account conflict detection
- Reduces notification spam
- Add death save success toastr
version 1.5.0 (7/04/2017)
- Adds new notifications for connection errors.
- Adds link detection to chat messages.
- Adds new section for DM Notes
- Adds dropbox direct link detection for all link fields.
- Adds new maps/images encounter section.
- Adds new Push To Chat functionality to all Maps/Images and Enviroments.
- Adds new section for campaign maps.
- Fixes a bug where chat rooms might not be saved.
- Adds new death saves failure notification.
- Adds support for custom skills.
- Adds new profile picture picker.
- Adds new glow to player picture when inspired.
- Fixes an issue with chat room case sensitivity.
- Adds new exhibit funcitonality for maps, images, and environments.
version 1.4.3 (6/11/2017)
- Fixes bug with saving notes
version 1.4.2 (6/11/2017)
- Changes where the navbar links take you
- Fixes bug with private chats
- Removes google analytics code
- Fixes bug where chat history was not purged when you left a party
- Fixes issue where the character/campaign name was autocorrected
- Updates handling of error messages
- Fixes issue with blank message in chat
version 1.4.1 (5/31/2017)
- Fixes issue with some player images now displaying correctly.
- Removes malfuctioning room URLs (for now).
- Fixes favicon.
version 1.4.0 (5/30/2017)
- Updates logo
- Adds prepopulation for NPC Races, Classs
- Adds prepopulation for Features and Traits
- Fixes a bug with gold weight calculations
- Adds new Party Collaboration Tools
- Adds new Party Manager UI that allows users to create/manage their parties.
- Adds a new chat for all members of a party as well as optional private chats for member(s).
- Adds new "Save to Notes" feature for chat messages.
- Adds new Party Dashboard for the DM which allows them to see their party member's stats.
- Adds a new Party Status Line for DMs which allows them to gauge the overall status of their party.
- Updates Gravatar to use HTTPS.
- Fixes a few encoding errors with HTML entities in headers
- Adds new Save to Dropbox functionality.
- Updates Alert system to use a new, swanky looking system.
- Fixes broken links
- Adds new character switcher that is displayed on first load.
- Adds new Account signin/creation links
- Adds new Patreon Link
- Updates contributer list.
version 1.3.0 (2/21/2017)
####Player Tools####
- New tables and modals for Features, Feats, Traits, Proficiencies, and Languages
- New handling of tracked items
- Improved messaging library, toastr
- Add inspired to status line
- Add popovers for auto-calculations
- Add passive scores to skills table
- Add always prepared to spells modal
- Add to hit modifier adjustment
- Add short and long rest icons to spell slots module
####DM Tools####
- Add magic damage types to options list for weapons
- Pre-population for monsters
- Add DM Screen
version 1.2.0 (12/14/2016)
####Player Tools####
- Armor
- Weapons
- Magic Items
- Race (Names only)
- Class (Names only)
- Alignment
Preview Cards:
- Spells
- Magic Items
- Inventory
- Armor
- Weapons
Auto Calculation:
- Weapon Range
- Total weight for gold
- Total spells
Notes module:
- Add multiple notes nesting
- Add markdown support
Spells module:
- Add spell status
- Cantrip removes prepared checkbox
Status line:
- Add total weight
- Death saves redesign
- Image URL redesign
- New short and long rest icons
- Add short and long rest icons to tracking table
- Add badges for magic weapons and armor
- Spell slots status bar sized dynamically by max uses
####DM Tools####
- Add new campaigns for DMs
- Add Campaign image
- Overview tab
- Setting
- Days since campaign started
- Notes
- Encounters tab
- Add remove encounters (Nested up to 5 levels)
Encounter types:
- Add types to tailor encounter
- Environment
- Points of interest
- Read aloud text (Boxed text)
- Monsters
- Treasure
- Add remove encounters (Nested up to 5 levels)
Encounter types:
- Export campaign
version 1.1.1 (10/04/2016)
- fixes issue with Proficiency Calculations not updating or providing invalid modifiers.
version 1.1.0 (10/02/2016)
- Adds proficiency auto-calculation
- Spell slots reset on short/long rest
- Removes modifier label on skills and savings throws
- Minor text fixes
- Added footer
- Fixed license
- Adds jQuery autocomplete binding
- Add migration engine
- Add KO binding for modals
- Add new ability score step for wizard
- Adds new proficiency types
- Add data cleanup
- Spells auto complete
- Items auto complete
version 1.0.1 (09/10/2016)
- Fixed issue with spell attack bonuses
- Minor text fixes
- Fixed issue with skills modal reloading on enter key press
- Huge! Hotkey now works on actions toolbar
version 1.0 (08/27/2016)
- Significant UI Refresh
- All new design for charactersheet and intro wizard.
- The triumphant return of the quantity field to the weapons table.
- Fixes criteria for Daily Features resetting on short rest
- Fixes issue with stepper UI.
- Fixes issue where Daily Features colors would repeat.
- Minor Text Fixes
- Increases application testing
version 0.0.12 (07/05/2016)
- Huge! Fixes an issue where importing a character would lose data
- Huge! Fixes an issue where exporting a character would lose data
- Fixed the size of huge images on large screens
- Adds a helper to empty tables
- Made resting notification messages more helpful
- Adds Google Analytics
- Various code fixes
- Added a shiny new icon in the navbar
version 0.0.11 (06/19/2016)
- Changes location of and adds remaining total weight calculations to relevant modules.
- Fix testing/installation issue on Windows
- App-Wide UI redesign (it looks nice now)
- Fixed a bug with exporting characters
- reduced the size of character data
- fixed issue with Weapon modifiers
- fixed issue with hotkeys not firing
version 0.0.10 (6/7/2016)
- Adds icons for treasure and fixes max size on larger devices
- Fixes horizontal scrolling
- Updates the Health Module UI
- Adds lots of tests and code related improvements.
- Adds "Import from Dropbox"
version 0.0.9 (5/19/2016)
- Adds action toolbar
- fixed an issue with character creation
- adds visualization to Daily Features Bar
- Add hover over color red to remove icons
- various code improvements
- various enhancements for Tablet users
version 0.0.8 (5/4/2016)
- updated iconography
- fixes styling on some hitdice elements
- various UI and performance tweaks
- fixes issues importing the same characters more than once
version 0.0.7 (4/21/2016)
- adds new icons for tabs
- adds new power user shortcuts
- adds missing spell duration option
- various other icon improvements
- various code fixes
version 0.0.6 (4/6/2016)
- various bug fixes and improvements
- fixes hit dice icon
- fixes issue with sorting
- fixes issue with saving armor and stats
- cleaner UI for cantrips
- reset button for spell slots
version 0.0.5 (3/23/2016)
- add magic items module
- rename columns armor module
- fixes boolean sorting
- fixes hit dice bug
- various bug fixes and code improvements
version 0.0.4 (3/6/2016)
- various UI updates
- adds select2 tags
- adds weapon "to-hit" calculations
- various bug fixes
- fixes an issue where view was not scrollable after making a new character
- adds currency types for item cost
version (3/1/2016)
- fixed critical bug for hit dice type preventing users from using the application in some cases
- fixed character switching bug
- fixed savings throws bug
version 0.0.3 (2/24/2016)
- added select2 bindings to dropdowns
- implemented select2 to option dropdowns
- chat improvements (profile pic)
- added death saves
- added hit dice type
- added boolean sorting (i.e. spell slots)
- spells slots now editable
- added passive wisdom
- added total of prepared spells
- various bug fixes
version 0.0.2 (2/9/2016)
- drag and drop profile pictures with option gravatar config
- improved character sheet layout
- added character sheet wizard
- added prepared spells checkbox to spell module
- added a field for diety in profile module
- dm can now see character hp, ac, name and pic
- added weapon and armor module
- export data now well formatted
- various bug fixes