include FILES=\ src/util/Debug\ src/util/ListAsSet\ src/util/ListExtras\ src/util/ListAsFunction\ src/util/HyperGraph\ src/util/Fixpoint\ src/util/ExternalCompiler\ src/util/SourceCode\ src/util/FreshVariable\ src/util/ParsingExtras\ src/global/Type\ src/global/Constants\ src/global/Schema\ src/global/Functions\ src/sql/Sql\ src/sql/SqlClient\ src/ring/Ring\ src/ring/Arithmetic\ src/calculus/Calculus\ src/calculus/CalculusPrinter\ src/calculus/CalculusDecomposition\ src/calculus/CalculusTransforms\ src/calculus/CalculusDomains\ src/calculus/CalculusDeltas\ src/calculus/SqlToCalculus\ src/calculus/Provenance\ src/compiler/Plan\ src/compiler/IVC\ src/compiler/Heuristics\ src/compiler/Compiler\ src/maps/M3\ src/maps/DistributedM3\ src/global/Partitioner\ src/maps/AnnotatedM3\ src/maps/M3DM\ src/maps/M3Patterns\ src/functional/K3\ src/functional/K3Typechecker\ src/functional/M3ToK3\ src/functional/DMToK3\ src/functional/K3Optimizer\ src/functional/K3Codegen\ src/functional/K3Compiler\ src/imperative/Imperative\ src/imperative/K3ToImperative\ src/imperative/ImperativeCompiler\ src/lib/Sources\ src/lib/StandardFunctions\ src/lib/StandardAdaptors\ src/lib/SliceableMap\ src/lib/Values\ src/lib/Database\ src/lib/DBChecker\ src/lib/Runtime\ src/codegen/K3Interpreter\ src/codegen/K3Scalagen\ TOPLEVEL_FILES=\ src/global/Driver\ src/global/UnitTest\ LEXERS=\ src/parsers/Sqllexer\ src/parsers/Calculuslexer\ src/parsers/K3lexer\ PARSERS=\ src/parsers/Sqlparser\ src/parsers/Calculusparser\ src/parsers/K3parser\ DIRS=\ src/util\ src/global\ src/parsers\ src/sql\ src/ring\ src/calculus\ src/compiler\ src/maps\ src/functional\ src/imperative\ src/codegen\ src/lib INCLUDE_OBJ=\ str.cma\ unix.cma ################################################# BASE_FILES := $(FILES) GENERATED_FILES = $(PARSERS) $(LEXERS) FILES += $(GENERATED_FILES) C_FILES =$(patsubst %,%.cmo,$(FILES)) C_INCLUDES =$(patsubst %,%.cmi,$(FILES)) O_FILES =$(patsubst %,%.cmx,$(FILES)) O_INCLUDES =$(patsubst %,%.cmxi,$(FILES)) OCAML_FLAGS +=\ $(patsubst %, -I %,$(DIRS)) \ $(INCLUDE_OBJ) OPT_FLAGS +=\ $(patsubst %, -I %,$(DIRS))\ $(patsubst %.cma,%.cmxa,$(INCLUDE_OBJ)) ################################################# all: makefile.local versioncheck bin/dbtoaster_top bin/dbtoaster_debug \ bin/dbtoaster_release bin/dbtoaster runtimelibs versioncheck: @if [ $(shell ocaml -version | sed 's/.*version \(.*\)$$/\1/' | \ awk -F. '{print ($$1+1000) ($$2+1000) ($$3+1000)}')\ -lt 100310121001 ] ; then \ echo "Your OCaml version is too low. OCaml 3.12.1 is required, you have"\ $(shell ocaml -version); exit -1; fi runtimelibs: $(O_FILES) $(C_FILES) @echo Making Runtime Libraries @make -C lib runtimelibs lib/.deps: runtimelibs @echo Making Library Dependencies @make -C lib dependencies @touch lib/.deps bin/dbtoaster_release: $(O_FILES) lib/.deps src/global/ bin/dbtoaster_debug @echo "Linking DBToaster (Optimized)" @$(OCAMLOPT) $(OPT_FLAGS) -o $@ $(O_FILES) src/global/; #@if uname | grep -i cygwin ; then \ # cp bin/dbtoaster_debug bin/dbtoaster_release; \ #else \ # $(OCAMLOPT) $(OPT_FLAGS) -o $@ $(O_FILES) src/global/; \ #fi bin/dbtoaster_debug: $(C_FILES) lib/.deps src/global/ @echo "Linking DBToaster (Debug)" @$(OCAMLCC) $(OCAML_FLAGS) -o $@ $(C_FILES) src/global/ bin/dbtoaster_top: $(C_FILES) lib/.deps src/global/ @echo "Linking DBToaster Top" @$(OCAMLMKTOP) $(OCAML_FLAGS) -o $@ $(C_FILES) src/global/ bin/dbtoaster: bin/dbtoaster_release fast: bin/dbtoaster_debug bin/dbtoaster_top dist: bin/dbtoaster make -C dist disttest: bin/dbtoaster make -C dist test ################################################# states: $(patsubst %,%.states,$(PARSERS)) doc: $(C_FILES) $(patsubst %,,$(TOPLEVEL_FILES)) @FILES="$(patsubst %,../,$(FILES) $(TOPLEVEL_FILES))"\ DIRS="$(patsubst %,../%,$(DIRS))"\ make -C doc ################################################# test: bin/dbtoaster_top bin/dbtoaster @make -C test $(TEST__target) localtest: bin/dbtoaster_top @make -C test local querytest: bin/dbtoaster @make -C test query bigquery queries: bin/dbtoaster make -C test/queries ################################################# $(C_FILES) : %.cmo : @if [ -f $(*).mli ] ; then \ echo Compiling Header $(*);\ $(OCAMLCC) $(OCAML_FLAGS) -c $(*).mli;\ fi @echo Compiling $(*) @$(OCAMLCC) $(OCAML_FLAGS) -c $< $(O_FILES) : %.cmx : @if [ -f $(*).mli ] ; then \ echo Compiling Optimized Header $(*);\ $(OCAMLOPT) $(OPT_FLAGS) -c $(*).mli;\ fi @echo Compiling Optimized $(*) @$(OCAMLOPT) $(OPT_FLAGS) -c $< $(patsubst %,,$(LEXERS)) : : %.mll @echo Building Lexer $(*) @$(OCAMLLEX) $< 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /' $(patsubst %,,$(PARSERS)) : : %.mly @echo Building Parser $(*) @$(OCAMLYACC) $< 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /' $(patsubst %,%.states,$(PARSERS)) : %.states : %.mly @echo Extracting State Transitions For $(*) @$(OCAMLYACC) -v $< 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /' mv $(*).output $@ # Ignore generated CMI dependencies. They get autocompiled along with the # object files $(patsubst %,%.cmi,$(FILES)) : $(patsubst %,%.cmxi,$(FILES)) : ################################################# makefile.deps: makefile $(patsubst %,,$(BASE_FILES)) @echo Computing Dependency Graph @$(OCAMLDEP) $(patsubst %, -I %,$(DIRS)) \ $(patsubst %,,$(BASE_FILES)) | tr \\\\ / | sed 's:/$$:\\: '> $@ makefile.local: @echo Initializing local configuration file @cp config/makefile.local.default makefile.local include makefile.deps include makefile.parserdeps include makefile.local ################################################# clean: rm -f $(patsubst %,,$(GENERATED_FILES)) rm -f $(patsubst %,%.mli,$(PARSERS)) rm -f $(patsubst %,%.states,$(PARSERS)) rm -f $(C_FILES) $(C_INCLUDES) rm -f $(O_FILES) $(O_INCLUDES) rm -f $(patsubst %,%.o,$(FILES)) rm -f $(patsubst %,%.annot,$(FILES)) rm -f bin/dbtoaster_release bin/dbtoaster_top bin/dbtoaster_debug rm -f src/global/*.cmi src/global/*.cmo src/global/*.annot src/global/Driver.cmx rm -f src/global/Driver.cmxi src/global/Driver.o rm -f doc/*.aux doc/*.synctex.gz doc/*.log rm -f makefile.deps make -C lib clean make -C dist clean rm -f lib/.deps superclean: clean rm -f $(shell find src -name "*.cmi") $(shell find src -name "*.cmo") rm -f $(shell find src -name "*.cmxi") $(shell find src -name "*.cmx") rm -f $(shell find src -name "*.annot") $(shell find src -name "*.o") distclean: superclean make -C doc clean make -C test/queries clean ################################################# .PHONY: all clean distclean test states doc runtimelibs fast querytest queries\ versioncheck localtest superclean dist