NOTE: Python 2.x support ended as of 2019/11/13
Manage NetworkManager connections with dmenu instead of nm-applet
- Bluetoothfix to toggle bluetooth
- (requires you to append "%wheel ALL=NOPASSWD:/bin/bluetooth" in /etc/sudoers)
- Connect to existing NetworkManager wifi or wired connections
- Connect to new wifi connections. Requests passphrase if required
- Connect to _existing_ VPN, Wireguard, GSM/WWAN and Bluetooth connections
- Enable/Disable wifi
- Enable/Disable WWAN
- Enable/Disable networking
- Launch nm-connection-editor GUI
- Support for multiple wifi adapters
- Optional Pinentry support for secure passphrase entry
- Delete existing connections
- Rescan wifi networks
- Uses notify-send for notifications if available
- Python 3.2+
- NetworkManager
- Dmenu. Basic support is included for Rofi, but most Rofi configuration/theming should be done via Xresources or Rofi themes. The Suckless password patch is supported if desired.
- Python gobject (PyGObject, python-gobject, etc.)
- (Debian/Ubuntu based distros) libnm-util-dev and gir1.2-nm-1.0 (you have to explicitly install the latter on Debian Sid)
- (optional) The network-manager-applet package (in order to launch the GUI connection editor, if desired. The nm-applet does _not_ need to be started.)
- (optional) Pinentry. Make sure to set which flavor of pinentry command to use in the config file.
- (optional) ModemManager for WWAN support.
- (optional) notify-send for notifications (connected, disconnected, etc.)
- Copy script somewhere in $PATH OR install Archlinux AUR package
- Set your dmenu_command in config.ini if it's not 'dmenu' (for example dmenu_run or rofi). The alternate command should still respect the -l, -p and -i flags.
- To customize dmenu appearance, copy config.ini.example to ~/.config/networkmanager-dmenu/config.ini and edit.
- If using dmenu for passphrase entry (pinentry not set), dmenu options in the [dmenu_passphrase] section of config.ini will override those in [dmenu] so you can, for example, set the normal foreground and background colors to be the same to obscure the passphrase. The Suckless password patch -P option is supported if that patch is installed.
- Set default terminal (xterm, urxvtc, etc.) command in config.ini if desired.
- If using Rofi, you can try some of the command line options in config.ini or set them using the dmenu_command setting, but I haven't tested most of them so I'd suggest configuring via .Xresources where possible.
- Saved connections can be listed if desired. Set list_saved = True under [dmenu] in config.ini. If set to False, saved connections are still accessible under a "Saved connections" sub-menu.
- If desired, copy the networkmanager_dmenu.desktop to /usr/share/applications or ~/.local/share/applications.
- If you want to run the script as $USER instead of ROOT, set PolicyKit permissions. The script is usable for connecting to pre-existing connections without setting these, but you won't be able to enable/disable networking or add new connections.
- Run script or bind to keystroke combination
- If desired, dmenu or Rofi options can be passed on the command line instead of or in addition to the config file. These will override options in the config file.