Yet another set of bash utilities to help with semantic versioning.
I wanted a highly portable tool with no dependency on tools outside of git. In searching the web I found nothing that suited my needs.
It's a shell that I use on Windows and of course Linux. It's also supported on macOS. Many CI/CD tools are built on docker
, and therefore, by default, Linux.
I really wanted to, but given that it requires Mono on non-Windows Operating Systems, it's quite the heavyweight to install correctly at the start-up of a container. And since the project I was doing this for is .Net Core, I eschewed putting both tools on the same container, yet I wanted functionality similar to GitVersion. That meant I had to write it.
usage: git-ver [command] [command arguments]
For more details on the individual commands type git-ver help [command]
: Returns the major number from the current semantic version number. (Major.Minor.Patch[-info+metadata])
: Returns the minor number from the current semantic version number.
: Returns the patch number from the current semantic version number
: Returns the version with a prefix, prefix defaults to 'v'
: Counts the number of commits from the last tag and returns that as a revision number. (placed in info as info#)
: Retrieves a full semantic version, optionally with metadata (+r1; +dYYYYMMDD-hhmmss)
: gets the suffix for a pre-release semantic version. (e.g. -alpha1)
: Gets the version number in Major.Minor.Patch format
: Displays the list of directories in use by git-ver
or --version
: Displays the version of git-ver
: Displays this help information.