Releases: keombre/progtest-theme
v1.2.0 - A new lease of life?
After multiple years of silence, I'm happy to announce that Progtest Themes is back!
I (@mstieranka) took over from the original maintainer (@keombre) about 2 years ago, but didn't do much (okay, I'll admit, I didn't even look at the code in that time). But thanks to your bug reports, I was forced to act.
First off, the whole skeleton of the app got changed. Now the app uses Bun as a package manager (instead of npm) and for its build process (instead of Make, which, although cool and taught as part of PA2, doesn't really have a place in JS applications; sorry not sorry).
Next up, I took this opportunity to remove a lot more painpoints from the development process. This means that all of the code got ported to TypeScript and there's even a frontend framework now! I chose Svelte, since it's the closest thing to vanilla JS and I'd like an incremental migration to be possible, so hopefully that can happen now (no promises, but if bugs keep happening my hand may be forced).
There's also a couple more things which will cause less hair to be pulled, like a dev server which rebuilds the extension if the source files change, a split of the 1500-line main script into multiple files (pretty painless thanks to bun) or the addition of a formatter for all code in this extension (I hate inconsistent formatting).
But how will you benefit from all these under-the-hood changes? I'm glad you asked! There's quite a few things which affect you, the end user, so let's get to those:
- Adjusted scraping to handle the new deadline expand button (fixes #56)
- Fixed code review data retrieval (fixes #54)
- Completely redesigned extension settings page, including a permissions popup that is now needed for extensions (as a PoC for Svelte)
- Reworked the internal system of loading styles and JS to require less permissions
- Rewrote course page (subject page) and homepage (also using Svelte)
- Replaced old 404 page with new system to report errors - now you will see errors in the layout, so please report them if you see any
- Added a message for new users if they have Progtest loaded while installing the extension
- Added icons for BI-PYT, NI-PDP
- Added automatic theme as new default - now you don't have to worry about light vs dark provided you set your OS to whichever you prefer
- The Subject page button on homepage now pulls the link from Courses, so it should always be up-to-date
- Fixed favicon not changing in certain cases
- Dropped support for Microsoft Edge Addons (only had like 100 total installs and the new Edge supports Chrome extensions anyway)
- Lastly, some other fixes which I won't mention here (either they're too small, only a few people will notice or no one reported them, so I have no idea if I broke it or not)
If you use Firefox, you can download this version below. For Chromium-based browsers, the Chrome Web Store will work fine, but if you really want to (for some reason), you can also download the extension here.
Happy Progtesting!
New API fixes
Apparently, I didn't get this right on the first try.
AAG 2020
New Year
Stable enough?
Looking at the userbase, we have had around 350 active Chrome users for an entire year.
And since we had only a couple of bug reports in all that time, I'm willing to consider Progtest Themes to be a stable enough addon.
Fonts & emoji!
1.0.33 version bump
Group sums
1.0.32 add task sum