/bəˈveːɡʊŋ/ (German, noun, feminine: motion/movement/animation)
is a versatile video renderer, primarily _targeting scientific visualizations of large quantities of data. Its core concepts are sequences and layers. Sequences describe a certain time span within a video and can overlap. Each sequence can hold multiple layers. Layers can be generated with cairo
, Pillow
, datashader
, matplotlib
and bewegung
's internal drawing system DrawingBoard
. Final compositing of every video frame and video effects are implemented via Pillow
. Video encoding is handled by ffmpeg
. bewegung
also includes a simple vector algebra system and a "camera" for 3D to 2D projections. bewegung
is developed with ease of use, compute time and memory efficiency in mind.
can be installed both via conda
and via pip
An almost complete installation can be triggered by running:
conda install -c conda-forge bewegung
Please note that mplcairo, a dependency of bewegung
and alternative backend for matplotlib
, is currently not available via conda
and must be installed manually. bewegung
does also work without mplcairo
present and falls back to the cairo
backend of matplotlib
A bare minimum of bewegung
can be installed with Python's package manager pip
pip install -vU bewegung
A complete installation of all optional Python components and development tools can be triggered by running:
pip install -vU bewegung[all]
Certain non-Python prerequisites must installed separately and before invoking the above command. For detailed instructions, see documentation. Most notably, ffmpeg
should be installed for producing actual video files instead of video frames as individual files. See download section of the ffmpeg
project website for further instructions.
See demo.py
You can directly test it by running:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pleiszenburg/bewegung/master/demo/demo.py | python3
This resulting video.mp4
file should look like this:
See documentation.
's development status is "well-tested alpha". Its API should not be considered stable until the project is labeled "beta" or better.
can be drastically accelerated by deactivating debugging features. See relevant section in the documentation.