This repository contains the source code and documentation of the Kendo UI Internationalization package.
It includes methods for parsing and formatting dates and numbers by using Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) data. These methods are split into the following modules:
To download the full CDLR database, you need to install the cldr-data module by running the following command.
npm install --save cldr-data
To apply the methods for different locales, load the likelySubtags
and the locale data by using the load
Additionally, the library requires you to load:
- The supplemental
for the default currency formatting. - The
for the day of week formatting.
import { load } from '@telerik/kendo-intl';
For more examples and available configuration options, refer to the article on CLDR Data.
Date parsing converts a string to a Date
object by using the specific settings of the locale.
import { parseDate } from '@telerik/kendo-intl';
parseDate("11/6/2000", ["G", "d"]); // Mon Nov 06 2000
parseDate("Montag, 6.11.2000", "EEEE, d.MM.y", "de"); // Mon Nov 06 2000
parseDate("2000-11-06T10:30Z"); // Mon Nov 06 2000 12:30
For more examples and available configuration options, refer to the article on date parsing.
Date formatting converts a Date
object to a human-readable string by using the specific settings of the locale.
import { formatDate } from '@telerik/kendo-intl';
formatDate(new Date(2000, 10, 6), "d"); // 11/6/2000
formatDate(new Date(2000, 10, 6), "yMd", "de"); // 6.11.2000
formatDate(new Date(2000, 10, 6), "EEEE, d.MM.y", "bg"); // понеделник, 6.11.2000
For more examples and available configuration options, refer to the article on date formatting.
Number parsing converts a string to a Number
object by using the specific settings of the locale.
import { parseNumber } from '@telerik/kendo-intl';
parseNumber("12.22"); // 12.22
parseNumber("1.212,22 €", "de"); // 1212.22
parseNumber("10.22 %"); // 0.1022
parseNumber("1,0000123e+4", "bg"); // 10000.123
For more examples and available configuration options, refer to the article on number parsing.
Number formatting converts a Number
object to a human-readable string using the specific settings of the locale.
import { formatNumber } from '@telerik/kendo-intl';
formatNumber(1234.567, "n2"); // 1,234.57
formatNumber(1234.567, "c", "de"); // 1.234,57 €
formatNumber(1234.567, {
style: "currency",
currency: "USD",
currencyDisplay: "displayName"
}, "bg"); // 1 234,57 щатски долара
formatNumber(2345678, "##,#.00"); // 2,345,678.00
For more examples and available configuration options, refer to the article on number formatting.
General formatting provides methods for independent placeholder and type formatting by using the specific settings of the locale.
import { format, toString } from '@telerik/kendo-intl';
format('Date: {0:d} - Price: {1:c}', [new Date(), 10.5], "en") // Date: 1/5/2017 - Price: $10.50
toString(10.5, "c", "bg"); // 10,50 лв.
toString(new Date(), "d"); // 1/5/2017
For more examples and available configuration options, refer to the article on general formatting.
The Internationalization library is published as a scoped NPM package in the NPMJS Telerik account.
Download and install the module:
npm install --save '@telerik/kendo-intl';
Once installed, import the Internationalization in your application root module:
// ES2015 module syntax import { formatDate, parseDate } from '@telerik/kendo-intl'; //or import { formatNumber, parseNumber } from '@telerik/kendo-intl';
// CommonJS format var numbers = require('@telerik/kendo-intl/number').numbers; //or var dates = require('@telerik/kendo-intl/dates').dates;