Republic Act No. 8293 (the IP Code of the Philippines) as it stands today does not contain a freedom of panorama provision that permits free uses of images of copyrighted architectural or artistic works situated in public spaces. Please do not upload image files of such works here, unless their presence or inclusion in the image files is incidental. Architectural or artistic works that are now in public domain should be fine.
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This image features a copyrighted architectural or artistic work (e.g. monument, sculpture, memorial, or mural), photographed from a public space in the Philippines. There are no freedom of panorama exceptions in the IP Code of the Philippines (R. A. No. 8293), which means that they cannot be photographed freely for anything other than personal purposes, reporting of current events, and educational/teaching purposes. More information: COM:CRT/Philippines#Freedom of panorama.
If a copyrighted architectural or artistic work is contained in this image and it is a substantial reproduction, this photo cannot be licensed under a free license, and will be deleted. Framing this image to focus on the copyrighted work is also a copyright violation.
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{{Information |Description=A panorama of the en:Manila skyline, taken from Harbour Square. Photo taken by Mike Gonzalez (en:User:TheCoffee) on April 5, 2007. Released under the GFDL. |Source=Originally from [ en.wikipedia
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