The real-life people behind the show's production. Trending pages Monica Ray Dan Milano Betsy Sodaro Zehra Fazal Eric Robles Ricardo Hurtado Haley Tju Felicia Day All items (25) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Ashly Burch B Betsy Sodaro Brad Breeck C Cree Summer D Dan Milano Darrell Rooney Dee Bradley Baker E Eric Robles F Felicia Day G Greg Nix H Haley Tju I Template:Infobox Crew J John Sanford Jules Bridgers L Luke Youngblood M Monica Ray R Rachael Russakoff Ricardo Hurtado S Sandeep Parikh Sarah Partington Scott Kreamer Stephanie Sheh T Taylor Meskimen V Category:Voice actors Z Zehra Fazal