Ghogo (ゴーゴ, Gōgo?) is a kaiju created by Toho that first appeared in the 1997 Toho film, Rebirth of Mothra II.
Ghogo has a long yellow-white fur coat which covers his whole body except for his eyes, antenna and claws. He has big white eyes, also with large black pupils, with an antenna on his head that takes roughly a fourth of his total height. He moves constantly by hopping, with feet similar to chickens' claws.
Rebirth of Mothra II
Ghogo is sent to find help after Dagahra is released, and he finds Shiori Uranai and two other children. He and the Elias convince them to return to the Nilai-Kanai Temple. He leads them to Princess Yuna, and it is revealed that he has the power to heal Mothra Leo. He turns him into Rainbow Mothra, giving up his life in the process.
Jumping abilities
Ghogo is an extraordinary jumper.
Ghogo can merge with Mothra Leo.
Psychic abilities
Ghogo has psychic abilities.
Ghogo's urine heals all wounds.
Video games
Godzilla: Trading Battle
Ghogo makes an appearance in Godzilla: Trading Battle through an effect card called "Fairy Ghogo" (妖精ゴーゴ, Yōsei Gōgo?).
List of appearances
- Rebirth of Mothra II (First appearance)