Magma Turtles, also known as Tortoisa Vulkana, are a giant turtle superspecies in the MonsterVerse created by Legendary Pictures that first appeared in the graphic novel Skull Island: The Birth of Kong.
The prefix "Magma" refers to the place where the turtles hatch, and their lava-like circulatory systems.
Magma Turtles are gigantic turtles with massive rotund shells forged from volcanic rock. Plant life such as palm trees will sometimes sprout from the turtle's stony shells.
Magma Turtles are docile creatures that do not fear predators due to their stony shells and their molten lava blood, making them virtually inedible. As the turtles mature, they will return to their hatching grounds to expand their shells.
Indigenous to the volcanic shelf around the base of Hellspring Break, these gigantic turtles appear to be born from eggs hatched in the heart of the volcano. As the molten rock heats and cracks the shell layer, magma engulfs the embryonic lifeform, hardening into a resilient stone shell. Over the course of its maturation, the Magma Turtle will return to the fire basin multiple times to re-forge the igneous rock to its ever-growing form.
With an ability to tolerate heat far beyond any superthermal creature (far beyond Hot Spring dwellers such as Hypsibius dujardani or Cataglyphis bicolor), the symbiotic relationship it has with this extreme habitat demands further research.
Although the creature exhibits largely docile behavior and is ignored by most predators (likely due to the uniquely inedible nature of its biology), the furnace-like temperature of its molten lava circulatory system could set any assailant aflame if the Magma Turtle was injured or given cause to bleed. In simple terms, the creature is a walking volcano, and volcanoes are born to erupt.Monarch Creature Profile
Skull Island: The Birth of Kong
When Aaron Brooks and his team are exploring a Dutch shipwreck on Skull Island, a Magma Turtle can be seen walking in the distance.
Godzilla x Kong: The Hunted
Magma Turtles are among the taxidermized creatures kept in Raymond Martin's personal compound.
The hardened stone shell of the Magma Turtles makes them nearly impervious to most attacks.
Heat resistance
Born from eggs hatched in magma, Magma Turtles can survive extremely hot temperatures and thrive near volcanoes.
Molten blood
Because magma engulfs the embryo while it is developing inside its egg, Magma turtles have developed a circulatory system of molten lava. Thus, the blood of the Magma Turtles can set predators aflame should they manage to injure the docile creatures.
- With trees growing on its back, the Magma Turtle resembles the Pokemon Torterra.
- The Magma Turtle is the only creature on Skull Island without any natural predators.
List of appearances
- Skull Island: The Birth of Kong (First appearance)
- Godzilla x Kong: The Hunted
Video games
- Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers (Mentioned)