Seguro No. 1 (セグロ1号, Seguro 1-gō?) is a mecha created by Toho that first appeared in episode 5 of the 1972 tokusatsu kaiju series, Assault! Human titled "Kill!! Monster Red Rock", and later in the series Go! Greenman.
Seguro No. 1 is a humanoid robot constructed out of a silvery metal. He possesses what appear to be two rocket boosters on his back, and a large circular attachment on his head. Seguro No. 1's eyes are a dull red, however brighten whilst emitting light.
Go! Greenman
Greenman vs. Seguro No. 1
Seguro No. 1 was the twenty-sixth kaiju to fight Greenman.
Blinding Lights
In Go! Greenman, Seguro No. 1 could emit blinding red lights from his eyes that greatly impaired Greenman.