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The following content may be incomplete and/or not verified.
Name Changes
- Caida Libre was originally going to be called Vinewood Babylon.[1]
- Hood Safari was originally going to be called Ghetto Safari.[2]
- The Bureau Raid was originally going to be called The Agency Heist.
- Cleaning out the Bureau was originally going to be called Planning the Agency Heist.[3]
- Legal Trouble was originally going to be called Blow Back.[4]
- The Merryweather Heist was originally going to be called The Port of LS Heist.[5]
- Deep Inside was originally going to be called Agent.[6]
- Three's Company was originally going to be called The Extraction.[7]
Mission Changes
- 2 Objectives were cut[8]:
- A few objectives/indications were replaced with cutscenes[11]:
- Michael’s outfit was changed.[16]
- Trevor’s outfit was changed.[17]
- Brad’s outfit was changed.[18]
- The Unnamed Bobcat Security Guard wore a Bobcat cap.[19]
- Jaspers was supposed to wear reading glasses.[20]
- A cut voice line from Brad mentions torching the servers.[21][22]
- A few more dialogue lines were cut.[23][24]
- In a pre-release screenshot, the mission took place at night rather than during the day.[25][26] This was likely changed for better visibility during the game's introduction.
- The man whose cars were stolen wore different clothes.[27]
- The cars that Franklin and Lamar stole had different license plates.[28]
- In the mission the players had to repossess a Vader, not a Bagger.[29]
- The mission was supposed to end at Franklin's house.[30]
- In the gameplay trailer, Simeon Yetarian was Employee of the Month. This was presumably done to conceal Franklin's surname prior to release, as Franklin is featured on the Employee of the Month frame in the final game.[31]
- Originally, Franklin had to climb the vines to get into Michael's house[32], as there is a cut objective (Climb up the vines and go through the open window.)[33] and a cut animation.
- In the Social Club image for the mission, Chop appears to be wearing a pink collar. In the final version, it is green.[34]
- According to Shawn Fonteno, Franklin originally killed D.[35]
- The mission started at late night originally, instead of late evening.
- Stretch didn't wear his cap in The Long Stretch.
- The color of the Phantom semi-truck towing Michael's yacht was originally red as seen during the game's second trailer. This was changed to dark blue in the final game.[36]
- Much of the scripted traffic towards the end of the chase was removed. In the second trailer, a Taco Van, Blista, Regina, Washington, and Jackal are all seen when approaching the Miriam Turner Overpass[37], while in the final game, only the Blista, a Speedo, and several trucks remain.
- In the second trailer, Phantom's originally towed Dock Trailers along the highway as opposed to regular Box trailers towed in the final game[38], and the dock trailer is not scripted to spawn.[39]
- The mission was originally split into 2 missions, one called Friend Request (when Michael had to go to the Lifeinvader office to plant the bomb), and the other being called Selling Short.[40] (when Michael had to detonate the bomb)[41]
- Tracey wore gray trousers.[42]
- The Social Club image for the mission shows Michael wearing glasses. In the final version, he cannot buy them at the SubUrban store, and if he is wearing glasses before replaying the mission, they will be removed.[43]
- In the game's first trailer, the loud approach of the mission appears to utilise the equipment used in the smart approach of the final game; the Bugstars van and outfits are worn, despite the fact they enter the building with the mission's loud approach. This was changed in the final game, as the players use a black Burrito, motorcycle helmets and suits for the loud approach.[44][45]
- Michael's outfit was changed both in the smart and loud approach.[46]
- During the getaway, the police would have used cruisers, interceptors and Buffalos, not just interceptors.[47]
- In Trevor's character trailer, the mission is seen taking place during a thunderstorm. This was most likely changed due to the fact that many players were inexperienced in flying at this point in the game and storms increase turbulence.[48]
- As seen in Trevor's character trailer, in the background there were a lot of explosions.[49]
- In Trevor's character trailer, the van in the background sports an Angels of Death logo. This has been changed to The Lost MC logo in the final version.[50]
- Chef was supposed to also give Trevor Sticky Bombs, not just a Grenade Launcher.[51]
- In the second trailer, Trevor can be seen using Molotovs on the O'Neil Ranch.
- Trevor was supposed to wear a hard hat like Wade and Floyd, as one can be found for him in the game files. In the final version, he wears a black beanie.[55]
- The Merryweather Heist - Freight Approach
- Trevor, Lamar and Franklin would have worn bandanas according to the screenshot, but Lamar and Franklin wore bandanas in Franklin's trailer.
- In the gameplay trailer, Stanier-based Police Cruisers appear responding. These were replaced with standard Interceptor-based Police Cruiser cars in the final game.[57]
- An Ambulance was to be used to block the road as opposed to a Trashmaster. The audio event for arriving in the Ambulance, as well as a mission instruction instructing the player to get into the Ambulance, remain in the mission's script file.[58][59]
- The Social Club image for the Blitz Play heist suggests that Michael's weapon was a Heavy Sniper rather than a Combat MG.[60]
- The car used by Franklin was originally a grey F620 compared to the red F620 used in the final game.[61]
- In pre-release screenshots, Franklin was originally supposed to take Trevor's role in the mission.[62] File data referencing this remains in the mission's script file.[63]
- At least 1 Crusader was originally supposed to appear inside the Cargo Plane, according to the game's second trailer. This was replaced with Merryweather-variants of the Mesa in the final game.[64]
- The heist originally had another option where Franklin would rescue the crew in a tank.[65]
- The crew originally wore masks along with their Ballistic Equipment rather than helmets. This can be seen in the Social Club image of the mission[66] and in the unused gear intended for Franklin[67].
- It is possible that Franklin was originally meant to rob the bank lobby along with Michael and Trevor instead of the gunman in the final version, as an unfinished bomb suit can be found for him in the game files.[68].
- The mission also took place at night.[69]
- The JB 700 sequence of the mission originally took place within the Davis-Strawberry area, Los Santos, as seen in the game's second trailer. The sequence takes place near Paleto Bay in the final game.[70]
- In the beta version the LSPD chased the truck up to Paleto Bay. In the final version, however, the truck is chased by the LSSD.[71]
- In the beta version, Franklin uses a Carbine Rifle, as seen on the Social Club image. In the final version, however, he uses an AK-47.[72]
- In the beta, the player could perform the mission in three different ways.
- The First choice would be about assaulting the architect and taking the plans, as it currently is.[74]
- The Second choice would be about taking a photo of the architect and his gay lover. The player would then use the photo as blackmail for the building plans.[75]
- The third choice would be about the architect being mugged. The player has to intervene and take the briefcase with the building plans.[76]
- In the final storyline mission and canon ending, Michael and Trevor wore their default outfits (Michael wore his grey suit instead of his brown leather jacket, blue jeans, and brown boots, and Trevor wore his grey sweatpants instead of his blue ripped jeans), according to the Social Club image for the mission.[78]
- "Cult Intervention" objective for Unknowing the Truth was originally named "Extremist Exit".[80]
- "Show Me The Money" objective for Unknowing the Truth was originally named "Judas".[81]
- "Zondar The Bridge" objective for Delivering the Truth was originally named "Canyon Crusader", and required the player to fly under a bridge in Raton Canyon.[82]
- "Out of The Frying Pan" objective for Surreal Estate was originally named "No Time for Bacon".[83]
- Devin Weston's missions
- The original order of the missions was: Social Networking, I Fought the Law..., Eye in the Sky, Deep Inside and Pack Man.[84]
Cut Missions
- A mission involving Michael stealing a Harrier jet for Solomon Richards was cut.
- A mission involving Michael saving the film studio for Solomon Richards was cut.
- A mission called Social Networking for Devin Weston that included an appearance of Brucie Kibbutz was cut.
- A heist called The Sharmoota Job was cut. It had three options (Night Stealth, High Impact, and Clown Day Stealth) and two preparation missions.
- A mission called Final Furlong for Solomon was cut. It is unknown if it was a separate mission or the old name for The Ballad of Rocco, as both missions take the same place in a mission strand.
- Michael had two Strangers and Freaks missions with a lady called Magenta that were cut. She still appears in game at the start of the mission The Long Stretch.
- Franklin had two Stranger and Freaks missions with a man called Dale.[85][86]
- Franklin had five Stranger and Freaks missions with two fighting neighbours.
- Two unknown missions for "The Band" were cut. One involved bringing the band members back together and the second involved stopping Trevor from sabotaging the concert.
- Another Strangers and Freaks mission for Barry was cut. It involved Franklin stealing a helicopter with weed.
- Cinema Property had two more missions; Protest and Recover Stolen Film.
- Six Bail Jumper missions were cut. Marshes, Winery, Surf Shop, Subway, Coast, Venice.
- Devin's mission strand originally had an intro cutscene.
Cut Side Missions
- Vigilante Missions were removed.[87]
- Pimping was removed.
- Minigames like Basketball, Air Hockey, Pool, Bowling, weightlifting, and stealing/exporting were cut.
- The following Random Events in GTA V were cut: Broken Down 1, Broken Down 2 'Hot Chick', Broken Down 3, Broken Down 4, Broken Down 6, Broken Down 7, Broken Down 8, Broken Down 9, Broken Down 10, Hitch Lift 4, Mugging 4, Pick Pocket, RC Challenge Mode, Rescue Hostage, Tow Truck, Ungrateful Whore and Wanderer.
- 14 Arms Trafficking Ground missions were cut.
- Towing Patrol odd job was cut. It involved the player driving a Tow Truck on a freeway, towing away broken cars to keep the traffic flowing as long as possible.
- Towing Illegally Parked Vehicles odd job was cut.
- Taxi I know a Way mission type was cut. The player would have to follow the passenger's directions with no blips or GPS.
- A street race for Hao in the Terminal was cut.
- Formation Display Flight School lesson was cut.
- The Dancing minigame from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and The Ballad of Gay Tony was going to return. Textures of the on-screen ratings exist in the game files.[88]
- The Kickstart event from GTA San Andreas was meant to return but was cut. Collision for the Kickstart arena can be found in the game files.