Man: |
Coming soon to the Los Santos Convention Center, it’s Mike Andrews! |
Mike Andrews: |
Poor people, stop complaining! Start living! You can’t take the money with you when you die! Even I can’t! |
Man: |
He’s changed millions of lives with his book, "Rags are Riches." This all-day seminar features workshops on: cooking potatoes, dumpster diving, huffing paint, bathing alternatives, and pharmaceutical baking! |
Mike Andrews: |
Instead of complaining about being poor, lady, enjoy it! |
Woman: |
Mike, I can’t feed my kids! And the rent’s due! |
Mike Andrews: |
Whoh, bitch! Settle it down! Are you saying this ain’t the greatest country in the world? |
Mike Andrews: |
Wait! Hold on, hold on, wait - Everyone! U.S.A.! |
Crowd and Mike Andrews: |
U - S - A! U - S - A! |
Man: |
Hear Mike’s favorite programs, such as: There’s No Rich People, The Rich are Miserable, Play Harmonica, and Expect Less, Achieve More! See Mike Andrews Live for only $200, payable in ten installments! Reserve your seat today! |