This is a transcribed copy of iconic quotes by Collin. Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the respective episodes.
Season 1
- "We’re here to convince you not to kill yourself, sir. To grant you a blessing, on behalf of those in Heaven benefited by your amazing technological advances."
- ―Collin, to Lyle Lipton
- "He’s classier than that!"
- ―Collin, to Moxxie
- "If you were to end your life now, you’d be missing all of this!"
- ―Collin, to Lyle Lipton
- "No, Love!"
- ―Collin saying that love is life's greatest joy
- "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my God!"
- ―Collin after seeing Lyle Lipton killed
- "Is there… anything we can do?!"
- ―Collin, to Deerie