The Aegis was a group of aliens first introduced in the Star Trek episode Assignment: Earth.
Having taken a number of alien species from their home planets a few thousand years ago, the Aegis took them to their home star system that was some 50,000 light years from Earth. Among the people they abducted were humans and Romulans. They trained the people they abducted along with their descendants, then returned them to help guide promising species and keep them from destroying themselves. In addition Aegis Supervisors would recruit promising individuals on an ongoing basis, as they had done with Wesley Crusher some time after 2379.
In addition to training they also were also enhanced medically to extend their lifespans and improve their physical conditioning. An Aegis agent so modified could shrug off a Vulcan neck pinch that would incapacitate an ordinary human. Along with humans and Romulans the Aegis were aware of a number of other Alpha Quadrant species, including Vulcans.
In the mid 20th century the Aegis had several agents operating on Earth as the planet entered a critical period in its history. Due to the development of nuclear weapons there was a high probability that humans would annihilate themselves, and the Aegis wanted to see humanity survive and reach its full potential. When the Aegis lost contact with its Earth agents, they sent Supervisor 194, aka Gary Seven to Earth. His transporter beam was intercepted by the USS Enterprise, which had traveled back in time to do historical research. Seeing Spock, Seven immediately figured out that the Enterprise was from the future, and told Captain James T. Kirk that he was sent from a star system that would still be hidden in the 23rd century.
Believing that Seven was part of a hostile invasion force, the Enterprise crew attempted to prevent Seven from carrying out his mission, but due to assistance from Isis and Roberta Lincoln Seven was able to complete his mission. Convinced that Seven was working to help humanity, Kirk and Spock let him continue his work on Earth. Seven recruited Roberta Lincoln as an agent to help him in his mission to help humanity survive.
During the latter half of the 20th century, the Aegis focused on preventing humanity from harming itself through genetic engineering, and was instrumental in defeating Khan Noonien Singh and his allies. After defeating Khan, Seven retired from active duty, feeling that spending time on a lighter gravity world would be beneficial to his health. Promoted to Supervisor, Lincoln recruited Rain Robinson to join her but Robinson later left Aegis employment when she learned that Seven could have stopped the 9/11 terrorist attacks that killed her father. Robinson still allowed the Aegis to leave emergency equipment with her so that their agents would have a safe house in an emergency, which came in useful helping the agents Mestral and Kristen Heffron in 2032.
By 2024, a Romulan supervisor named Tallinn was working on Earth, watching over Reneé Picard in order to ensure that her mission to the Jovian moons took place as planned since it was vital to the peaceful development of humanity that the mission succeed. Wesley Crusher also assisted in the mission, and after its success recruited Kore Soong into the organization.