

AncientWisemon is a wizardry hero, who had successfully defeated Lucemon to save the Ancient Digital World, along with the rest of the Ten Legendary Warriors. An Ancient Mutant-Type Digimon represents steel (鋼; hagane).


AncientWisetmon is a Mega-Level Digimon that resembles Zhuge Liang with the ghostly floating mirror and a purple fan.


One of the Ten Legendary Warriors who saved the Ancient Digital World, this Digimon bears the attribute of 'Steel'. One of the first Mega-leveled beings to have existed only ancient times, it is the ultimate wise man and the first prophet of the Digital World. It is said that he is the keeper of the Akashic Records, a database that stores sources of knowledge from incredibly old periods of time, and it's proposed that there is nothing that AncientWisemon knows nothing about. This sage not only has a mind full of ancient wisdom, but it can also foresee into the future. Moreover, it is said that the mirror on AncientWisemon's body acts as a gateway to the spirit world. Many Mutant type Digimon have inherited its abilities. Its special attacks are "Laplace's Demon", which summons a monstrously powerful demon from another world, and "Elder Sign", which aligns this world with another through its ultimate wisdom before confining the enemy into the realm for all eternity.


  • Laplace no Ma (ラプラスの魔 Rapurasu no Ma?, lit. "Laplace's Demon"): Calculates the coordinates to the spirit world with ultimate wisdom, and imprisons the opponent there for an eternity.
  • Elder Sign: Summons an elder god from the spirit world.

Powers and Abilities

  • Steel Manipulation - User can create, shape and manipulate steel, an alloy of iron, carbon, and other elements, that is widely used in construction and other applications because of its hardness and tensile strength.
  • Summoning - The user can transport person, creature, or object of choice by means of Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, Portal Creation or some other way. This may also result from a previous summoning contract, which creates a connection between the summon and summoner. High level users may not be bound by restrictions such as a contract and can summon anything they want, including powerful beings or "familiar spirits" and often require strong mystic connections to where these entities reside. Users can call upon fairies, angels, demons, or animal spirits, just to name a few. The summoning can backfire, however, leading to any number of misfortunes, such as the summoned person, creature, or item causing harm to the summoner.


  • His spirit forms are: the Human Spirit of Steel (Mercurymon) and the Beast Spirit of Steel (Sakkakumon).
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