
Aslan's Army


Aslan's Army of the Kingdom of Narnia was the first known Narnian military force established by Aslan, and first led by King Peter Pevensie and commanded by King Edmund Pevensie. Aslan's Army flew flags with a bright red depiction of the Great Lion, and they triumphantly won the First Battle of Beruna, defeating the White Witch and her army.

The Army slowly declined, especially during the Dark Age, and proved unable to fight off the Telmarine invaders, after which it was completely dissolved. After the Telmarine Army, the next legitimate military body of Narnia was the Old Narnian army.

Aslan's Army Creatures

  1. Alicorns
  2. Angels
  3. Ants
  4. Anteaters
  5. Antelopes
  6. Badgers
  7. Bears
  8. Beavers
  9. Bees
  10. Bigfoot
  11. Birds
  12. Boars
  13. Butterflies
  14. Bull
  15. Buffalos
  16. Bisons
  17. Cats
  18. Camels
  19. Centaurs
  20. Cheetahs
  21. Chickens
  22. Cows
  23. Cockatrices
  24. Crabs
  25. Dogs
  26. Donkeys
  27. Dragons
  28. Dryads
  29. Ducks
  30. Eagles
  31. Eagle-Headed Man
  32. Elephants
  33. Fauns
  34. Flamingos
  35. Foxes
  36. Frogs
  37. Gazelles
  38. Geese
  39. Giants
  40. Giraffes
  41. Goats
  42. Goat-Legged Battering Ram
  43. Gorilla
  44. Gryphons
  45. Hares
  46. Harpies
  47. Hippopotamus
  48. Horses
  49. Men-Headed Bulls
  50. Hedgehogs
  51. Jaguars
  52. Kangaroos
  53. Koalas
  54. Leopards
  55. Lions
  56. Lizards
  57. Mammoths
  58. Mermaids
  59. Mice
  60. Minotaurs
  61. Moles
  62. Monkeys
  63. Moose
  64. Naiads
  65. Ostriches
  66. Otters
  67. Owls
  68. Oxen
  69. Pegasus
  70. Panthers
  71. Parrots
  72. Perytons
  73. Peacocks
  74. Pelicans
  75. Phoenix
  76. Questing Beast
  77. Raccoons
  78. Rabbits
  79. Red Dwarves
  80. Ram
  81. Rhinoceros
  82. Sheeps
  83. Satyrs
  84. Seals
  85. Sphinxes
  86. Squirrels
  87. Stags and Deer
  88. Tapirs
  89. Tigers
  90. Turtles
  91. Turkeys
  92. Walruses
  93. Wolf
  94. Women-Headed Cows
  95. Unicorn
  96. Winged Panther
  97. Winged Tiger
  98. Yaks
  99. Yeti
  100. Zebra
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