
Avery Bullock

You. Give this man your finest "Trouser Arouser". And you, strangle me while I brush your hair.Avery Bullock talking to a bunch of strippers.

Deputy Director Avery Bullock, Jr is the boss of Stan Smith and the CIA and one of the two main antagonists (alongside Santa Claus) of American Dad!. He tells Stan Smith when to go on CIA Missions. Bullock has worked at the CIA for over 25 years. Despite his age, he is in top physical form, as evidenced by his close fight with Stan in "Bullocks to Stan".


Although he is the boss of the CIA, Bullock often acts like a school teacher, scolding his agents when they make mistakes or acted like children. He is a very proud man and refused to negotiate with terrorists even when his wife was a hostage. Avery is not the most faithful of husbands and although he loved his wife he has slept with other women more than once.

Despite his age, Bullock was able to get into quite a few romantic relationships, even sleeping with Stan's daughter, Hayley in "Bullocks To Stan". He claimed to like fat Asian women. Bullock was also very loving towards his adopted son but also revealed that the baby could be a liability. In "Faking Bad", he nearly hooks up with a 17 year-old who presents him with a fake ID and is forced to shoot her father multiple times to defend himself. However, despite his negative traits, Avery deeply cares for his country and intends to do everything in his power to protect it, even in the well-intentioned extremist light. He's also deeply horrified when he recovers from the effects of a CIA brain scrambling chip and realizes that he stole a nuclear submarine.


Bullock Sr
Bullock with his father in 1947.

As revealed in "Fellow Traveler", Bullock's father Bullock Sr. was an alien hunter for the O.S.S in Roswell, New Mexico. In 1947, he tried to hunt down Roger after he crashed on Earth but the Hobo-Eating Preacher, Grandma MacAdoo, Luis, Rosaline Jenkins, Clifton & Uncle Cosworth all saved Roger, and Roger throwed another alien under the bus to take his fall. Later, it is revealed that Bullock was bald when he was small and started hunting aliens at a young age.

Bullock had a wife named Miriam Bullock. She was stated to be missing in Fallujah, Iraq and chained to a radiator, until her only on-screen appearance in "One Little Word" in which she was rescued. She was brainwashed and turned into a terrorist, but recovers upon her realization she was a mother through the adoption of Avery Jr Jr..

In "Ricky Spanish", Roger's persona of Ricky Spanish was revealed to have stabbed Miriam to death with a sword at her birthday party.

Hobbies and talents

Avery Bullock enjoyed fishing and apparently liked ping pong judging by his excitement when he revealed the CIA were going to receive a table in "American Dream Factory", referring to it as "their green mistress" and moving Stan's desk to the bathroom so it could be close to the water cooler.

Bullock was highly skilled in hand to hand combat and showed remarkable reflexes for a man his age. He proved capable of holding his own against Stan Smith in a fist fight in "Bullocks To Stan". In the same episode, Avery also revealed the ability to lift Jeff Fischer with two fingers and hurl him against a wall.


  • It was made clear by references to his shoes that he is well endowed, and also when Hayley says "he has a huge..." and Stan finishes the sentence with penis, even though Hayley meant heart in "Bullocks To Stan".
  • In "Daddy Queerest", he stated to Greg and Stan that he had experimented with homosexuality in boarding school.
  • Bullock joins Roger's Facebook group "Stan is a Douche" in "The Kidney Stays in the Picture".
  • He is one of many having an affair with Mrs. Lonstein in "Criss-Cross Applesauce: The Ballad Of Billy Jesusworth".
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