Black Krrsantan is a recurring character in the Star Wars franchise, serving as a major antagonist in the 2015-2019 Star Wars comic book series, a supporting character in the comic book series' Star Wars: Darth Vader and Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, as well as in The Book of Boba Fett. He is a bounty hunter and gladiator wookiee that initially worked for the Hutt twins, and tried to kill Boba Fett, but when the Hutt twins left Tatooine, Boba offered him a job.
The Book of Boba Fett
Krrsantan was a member of the Wookie species like Chewbacca. Five years after the Galactic Empire, Krrsantan served the Hutt twins as they tried to take possession of their cousin, Jabba the Hutt, the region, Mos Espa, and everything else owned by Jabba after Jabba’s death. And when he arrived in Mos Espa with the Hutt twins and they met Boba Fett, Boba refused to give Mos Espa to the twins because he had become a Daimyo after taking control of Jabba’s former criminal empire. Although Boba said the twins would have to kill him in order to take possession of everything Jabba had, the male Hutt said the matter could be handled differently. And when he tried to kill Boba, he was imprisoned in the ranch of Rancor, and when he was released, the Hutt twins left Tatooine, and they rejected him. Soon after, he began attacking the Trandoshanans in a canteen owned by Garsa Fwip, but when he stopped attacking, Boba decided to offer him a job, after which he began fighting against the Pyke Syndicate with Boba and Fennec Shand. When Din Djarin also came to help Boba, it was thanks to him and Din that Boba had experienced muscles amongst his ranks when the war against the Pyke Syndicate began. Once the war had begun, he had to fight against members of the Trandoshan family, and he was wounded in the battle against the Trandoshan people. But he succeeded in defeating all the Trandoshanians, and, albeit suffering many wounds during the battle and while making his way to where they were situated, he managed to make it back to help Boba, Din and the residents of the Freetown as they fought against the soldiers of the Pyke Syndicate. After a hard fight, he and everyone else were triumphant over the Pyke Syndicate soldiers, and he was rewarded with a decent bath after the war. After the bath, he got a melon to eat, and he didn’t want to share it with anyone.
Black Krrsantan's weapon of choice is a Bowcaster, a weapon popular among members of his species. During his battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Krrsantan carried a shock baton and a gun that fired an energy net. He has also shown to employ brass knuckles, using them during his fight with Chewbacca to great effect. Krrsantan flew an Auzituck Anti-Slaver Gunship, a ship manufactured on Kashyyyk for use against slavers.