
Caspian Keyes

Caspian Keyes is a central character in the AMC+ animated drama Pantheon, portrayed by Paul Dano. He is a talented teenage computer science prodigy who collaborates with Maddie Kim to uncover the truth behind a web of deception related to Uploaded Intelligences (UIs).


Caspian discovers that his entire life has been orchestrated by others. He learns that his parents are not his biological parents and that his every move has been monitored since birth. The plan was for him to fully understand this hidden reality at age 33, but he accidentally uncovers the truth on his 18th birthday. This revelation prompts him to reject his preordained path and seek his own identity. As he goes on the run, Caspian becomes a _target for Logorhythms, who see him as a valuable asset and aim to redirect him rather than eliminate him.


Caspian is a tall and slender teenager with brown hair, brown eyes, and a light complexion. He often dresses in dark clothing, primarily in black and various shades of gray.


Caspian is a highly intelligent and introspective individual. He can quickly solve complex problems, though he may need guidance when he encounters difficulties. His resourcefulness is evident in his ability to locate Logorhythms' black site in Svalbard by developing a cross-referencing code.

After discovering he is a clone, Caspian grapples with his identity, leading him to act recklessly at times, viewing his own life as less significant compared to the well-being of those he cares about. He is willing to make personal sacrifices if necessary, including opting for upload when he fails to find a UI capable of stopping Holstrom.

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