
Cyborg (Teen Titans Go!)

Hero Overview

Cyborg's catchphraseBoo-yah!

Victor "Vic" Stone, mostly known as Cyborg is one of the five members of the Teen Titans, as well as one of the five titular main protagonists of the 2013 reboot Cartoon Network TV series Teen Titans Go!

He is voiced by Khary Payton also voices his 2003 incarnation.


Though Cyborg is a technological genius he prefers non-pressure situations and uses his mechanical wonders to unwind in-between fighting crime, usually with his best friend and fellow Teen Titan, Beast Boy.


Like the rest of the Titans, he can also behave out of character, and is noticeably more lazier than his original series counterpart.

He also enjoys meatball parties in the episode Meatball Party. He tends to force everyone, especially Raven, to do activities that they don't like to do. He also has more energy (can stay up longer) than the other Titans because of his robotic half, as shown in the episode Tower Power.

Cyborg, true to his super-alias, is part man part machine. Cyborg was made into a cyborg after most of his body was critically injured in a lab explosion. Cyborg uses his mechanical super-body to fight crime as a member of the Teen Titans group. Cyborg can mentally hack computers and fire sonic blasters from his hand.


We got's to get that sandwich.Cyborg in Legendary Sandwich

I got the heat resistance, baby! I'm on it!Cyborg to Raven in Legendary Sandwich

Cyborg responding to Beast Boy in "Pie Bros"I love you and pie.

(Imaginative) Cyborg responding to Beast Boy in Pie BrosThen get a job, you bum.

Oh, that's right, superpowers are a curse curse curse, cursedy cursedy curse curse curse!(Old) Cyborg to Robin in Super Robin


I scratched his tum-tum, bro!Cyborg to Beast Boy in Breakfast Cheese

RAAAAAAVVEEEEEEENNN!!!!!!Cyborg in Starliar

Cyborg to Beast Boy in Girl's Night OutWe did that already.

Lazy Sunday, bro!Cyborg to Robin in Lazy Sunday

Why?! 'Cause I Hate bananas!Cyborg responding to Robin in Gorilla

I can relate. I mean I am half-robot, after all.Cyborg responding to Raven in Dog Hand

Can't you see I'm reading an important periodical?!Cyborg to Starfire in Meatball Party

GENIUS! How did I put that together with just a picture of a snake and an upside-down happy face, I have no idea.Cyborg in Meatball Party

It's making me blind! I'm going BLIND!!!Cyborg in Matched


This pizza tastes like it's 30 years old!Cyborg to Beast Boy in Staring at the Future

Cyborg to the Titans in Burger vs. BurritoSo, what do you think?

And Starfire's ideal match is bbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........... Aquaman!Cyborg to Robin in Matched

Says the guy who tried to turn sleeping into a competitive sport.Cyborg to Robin in Dude Relax

How's that tooth doing, huh?-Cyborg to Raven in Meatball Party

You don't start at 0 when you count!Cyborg to Beast Boy in Colors of Raven

I see a giraffe! Is that a llama doing the tango?Cyborg to Pink Raven in Colors Of Raven

OH MY... *BRRRRUAAGGHHHH!!Cyborg vomiting in No Power


This is gonna be awesome! Just think! 5 Ravens in battle!Cyborg in Colors of Raven

This is my robot and I drive!Cyborg arguing with Robin in The Left Leg

Cyborg to Robin disguised as Speedy in The DateDone and done!


NOBODY CARES ABOUT THAT BABY!Cyborg to Robin (As Nightwing) in Staring at the Future

You don't know how to do a lot of stuff B.Cyborg in Brain Food

Just practicing my booyahs.Cyborg in Nose Mouth

Gyroscoping System Red Line! MAYDAY!! MAAAAYDAAAAAY!!!Cyborg panicking in The Left Leg

I'm coming for you little buddy!Cyborg in Little Buddies

Remember all you know is pain.Cyborg in Little Buddies

I thought I was your best friend?Cyborg to Robin in Staff Meeting

I love surprise visits!Cyborg in Mr. Butt

"We live in a meaningless universe.Cyborg in Legs

Girl, you are crazy!Cyborg to Stafire in Pirates

MEATBALL PARTY!!Cyborg in Meatball Party

It's meat. It's a ball. You can eat it. You can eat it all!Cyborg in Meatball Party

The waffle thing? You guys are so annoying!Cyborg in Waffles

That means she has it bad for you!Cyborg to Beast Boy about Raven in I See You

Ohhh! Did you hear that?! Her secret must be so embarrassing!Cyborg to Beast Boy about Raven in I See You

She's crushing so hard on you, bro!Cyborg to Beast Boy about Raven in I See You

A secret crush?! And it's probably you!Cyborg to Beast Boy about Raven in I See You

You're holding it upside down, dummy!Cyborg to Beast Boy in I See You

You know what this means? Proof! She is crushing so hard on you!Cyborg to Beast Boy about Raven in I See You

I always thought crime was a leg, bro! WHAAAAT!Cyborg to Robin in I See You

That woman almost ate my soul!Cyborg to the Titans about Scary Terri in "Slumber Party"

Man. That dude is tough. We don't stand a chance.Cyborg to the Titans about Trigon in "Caramel Apples"

We did too, Ray, but the best part of Halloween was being scared and now that we're older it just isn't scary anymore.Cyborg to Raven in "Halloween"

Why am I so adorable?Cyborg to Raven in "Halloween"

Cyborg (along with Beast Boy and Robin) to Raven and Starfire in "Boys vs Girls"BOYS ARE BETTER THAN GIRLS!

Stop yelling at us! Oooh my self-esteem.Cyborg to Raven in "Boys vs Girls"

We don't want your cooties!Cyborg to Raven and Starfire in "Boys vs Girls"

Come to think of it...what do you girls do?Cyborg to Raven and Starfire in "Boys vs Girls"

Dude, you lied to us! Girls are better than boys!Cyborg to Robin in "Boys vs Girls"

Cyborg (along with Raven, Beast Boy, & Starfire) to Robin in "Boys vs Girls"GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS!

I do! You guys are garbage compared to my baby! And I love you guys.Cyborg to the Titans in "Road Trip"

Just keep reading!Cyborg to Raven in "Road Trip".

OUT OF THE WINDOW! OUT OF THE WINDOW!Cyborg to Raven in "Road Trip"

Yar! She be 3 doors down on ye starboard side, matey!Cyborg to Aqualad in "Pirates"

WE'RE LIKE THE LOUDEST GUYS!Cyborg to Robin in "Caramel Apples"

I have VHS tapes for days, for days!!!!Cyborg to the Titans in "Oil Drums"

Cyborg in "Video Game References".Uh-uh. No-kay!

Cyborg to the Pie Hunter in "Video Game References"I hate you, Pie Hunter.

OH YEAH! LABOUR DAY BABY!!Cyborg in "Hey You, Don't Forget About Me in Your Memory"

Thats what's up" - Cyborg in "Hey You, Don't Forget About Me in Your Memory"

Titans roll out!Cyborg in "40% ,40%, 20%"

Just call me Cyborgmus Prime.Cyborg to the Titans in "40%, 40%, 20%"

We live in a T-shape tower. How hard is it to find us now?Cyborg to Robin in "The Mask"

Thorry Thyborg, thorry for making you live you childhood trama!Cyborg with a lisp to Robin in "Slumber Party"

It doesn't have the lung capacity!Cyborg to the Titans in "BBBDAY!"

Cyborg's no more, I'm Fleshy Guy.Cyborg to the H.I.V.E in Real Boy Adventures

You know, Robin, Just when I think, you couldn't possibly be any worse of a road trip companion, you go do something like this! And totally teach me the power of friendship! How did you know that donkeys were my favorite mode of transportation?Cyborg to Robin in "Various Modes of Transportation"

That's some baloney!Cyborg to Raven in "Lucky Stars"


  • Cyborg joining the Justice League is meant to reference the DC Extended Universe's Cyborg, who is interpreted as a founding member of the team. His position as a Justice League member was also first made in the New 52 franchise, when the Teen Titans were also revamped.
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