Fighbird, also known by his human alter-ego Yuutarou Katori, is the titular main protagonist of the anime series The Brave of Sun Fighbird. He is the commander of the Space Police Force, who leads his comrades to chase Draias and his minions Shura and Zol to Earth. Knowing that he can't blend in human society without a disguise, he has Dr. Hiroshi Amano design an android body for him to possess, and takes on the human identity of Yuutarou Katori, Dr. Amano's assistant, whilst continuing to fight against Draias.
He was voiced by Yasunori Matsumoto.
For most of the series, Fighbird appears as his human disguise Yuutarou Katori, a man in his 20s with black hair and blue eyes, wearing a pair of glasses, red jacket, yellow shirt and white trousers. When starting to fight as Fighbird, he drops his glasses, before revealing his android body: That of a big robot with white and blue body and a red helmet. However, after his android body is destroyed in the final episode, it's revealed that his human appearance is what he really looks like.
As an alien, Fighbird doesn't know Earth well, easily mistaken a butterfly for a pigeon. He loves animals and is kind to everyone around him, as well as being rather awkward around women. However, to those he considers enemies, he is wrathful and can become a fearsome force, willing to fight them to protect those he cares about.
In 2010, Fighbird leads the Space Police Force to chase the intergalactic criminal Draias and his minions Shura and Zol to Earth. Knowing that they can't blend in human society without a disguise, Fighbird and the Space Police Force meet Dr. Hiroshi Amano and have him design android bodies for them to possess. Fighbird's body design is created by Dr. Amano's granddaughter, Haruka. With this body, Fighbird can transform into a human form. He takes on the identity of Yuutarou Katori, Dr. Amano's assistant.
Meanwhile, Draias, Shura and Zol also possess the androids of Dr. Amano's rival, Dr. Jango Tarantino. Together, the four plot to plunge the Earth into darkness and enslave humanity. From then on, Fighbird leads his comrades to fight against Draias while trying to adapt himself with humans and learning more about the Earth. Meanwhile, he also befriends many Earthlings such as Yoshiko Kunieda, Inspector Satsuda and Momoko Yamazaki. After the fight with Draias is over, he and his comrades leave Earth for other missions, but return a few months later in new bodies, having grown so attached to the planet that they decide to make it their home.
Powers and Abilities
- Communication: Fighbird can talk with animals and ghosts and understand babies.
- Super Strength: Thanks to his android body, Fighbird can ride a bicycle and run very fast.
- All around activity: Thanks to his android body, Fighbird can swim very deep and spacewalk without a spacesuit.
- Machine possession: Fighbird can possess the fire jet and fire shuttle and control them as drones or combine with them. However, he wouldn't be able to do either if the machine was destroyed until it's repaired.
- Dyna Buster: Fighbird has double-barreled beam cannons on each forearm, which flip forward when used and have a rapid-fire and single-fire mode.
- Flare Missile: TBA
- Fire Rod: TBA
- Grapping wire
- Lifeboats
- Laser Rod
- Feather Slash
- Gran Attacker
- Shine Dart
- His "Is this a pigeon?" scene has become an internet meme.
External Links
- Fighbird on the Brave Series Wiki.