Garbagemon is a scientist Digimon who collects has collected with Chuumon goods from the human world and minor hero in the reboot of Digimon Adventure:. His goal has also been to avenge Raremon for destroying all the other Chuumon.
He is voiced by Naoki Tatsuta in the Japanese version and Landon McDonald in the English version.
When Garbagemon discovered goods from the human world with the Chuumon, he began to build inventions from them, and over time he has begun to regard those things as treasures. But when Raremon arrived and destroyed almost all of Chuumon, he only had one Chuumon to help, and he decided to take revenge on Raremon when it killed all the other Chuumon by building an ice bullet to freeze Raremon. And when they met Taichi, Koshiro, Agumon, and Tentomon, they helped them avenge Raremon. In the fight against Raremon, they used an ice bullet to freeze it, and the ice bullet hit Raremon, but then the effect of the black lightning made Raremon develop into RareRaremon. And when the situation was tough, they decided to use the oil from the human world, heat it and use it to turn it into a statue of RareRaremon, and they succeeded. And after RareRaremon was defeated, Chuumon then evolved into Searchmon, and after that they said goodbye with Taichi and Koshiro. He and Searchmon later met the Chosen Ones again as members of Wisemon's investigative team at the Digimon, which does science. There, he and Wisemon told them the history of the Crests in Chosen Ones's Digivices, and something of the Great Catastrophe, which the Chosen Ones must defeat. And when the Chosen Ones were divided into groups, Koshiro and Tentomon and stayed to do research with him and Wisemon.
- Junk Chunker: Fires poop from its bazooka.
- Dirty Saucer: Attacks by throwing the lid from a trash can.