

NOTE: This is only about Grampa's anti-heroic deeds in Dog Man: Big Jim Begins.

Big Jim: Where are you going, Sprinkles?
Grampa: To hug town!Grampa before defeating the Space Cuties.

Mr. "Grampa" TheCat, also briefly known as Crud or his superhero alter-ego Sprinkles, is the overarching antagonist of the Dog Man franchise.

He is the grumpy, elderly father of Petey TheCat, grandfather of "Li'l" Petey TheCat, and former husband of deceased Grace TheCat.

He will be voiced by Stephen Root in the upcoming DreamWorks Animation adaptation of the series.


He resembles a tall tabby cat with a beard drawn with dots and hair coming out of his chin. He is usually seen wearing green transparent glasses. He has wrinkles below his eyes and five whiskers: two on his right side and three on his left. He is also usually seen with a limp when walking.


Even as a young adult, Grampa is seen as a vindictive jerk and not a good person. As an old cat, he can be seen as grumpy and reluctant to do anything heroic.

Heroic Acts

  • In For Whom the Ball Rolls, Grampa has Petey aid in defeating the Burgle Balls, though this was used so he could steal from him.
  • In Big Jim Begins, he found that the Space Cuties would spring out and die when hugged, and therefore he went and hugged each of them to defeat them.
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