
Irma Langenstein

Heroine Overview

Irma Langenstein is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles character. She is the secretary for Channel 6 and also a friend to April O'Neil.

Animated series

In the 1987—1996 animated series, Irma works as secretary for Channel 6 and is also a friend of April O'Neil. Throughout season 2, she also befriends the Ninja Turtles via by April's turtle communicator. After The Shredder destroyed the Channel 6 building, she was shocked when the disgraceful Burne Thompson falsely and wrongfully blames this on the turtles and was not seen again. However Burne Thompson finally admits it was The Shredder who really did it and apologizes to them.

In the 2012—2017 animated series, what first appears to be a high school student and friend of April O'Neil, is later revealed to be be Kraang Subprime, Kraang Prime's right hand, using in a robot disguised as an Earth schoolgirl. Kraang Subprime's mission is to spy on humankind.


In the Archie TMNT Adventures comics and Mutant Turtles Gaiden as well as the IDW Comics, Irma works for Channel 6, as a secretary respective news reporter.


  • Many fans and pop culture bloggers have noted that Irma's look is quite similar to that of Jeanette of The Chipettes.
  • In the 2003 series episode "Lone Raph and Cub", Raph meets a boy named Tyler who's mom was kidnapped. His mom resembles Irma and is a journalist.

Mirage Comics: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo) | Splinter | Hamato Yoshi | Utroms
Archie Comics: Golani
IDW Comics: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Jennika | Hamato Yoshi | Utroms | Angel | Alopex | Venus

1987 TV series: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Irma Langenstein | Casey Jones | Fugitoid | Buffy Shellhammer | Mona Lisa | Lotus Blossom | Renet Tiley
2003 TV series: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo) | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Hamato Yoshi | Utroms (Mortu) | Justice Force | Leatherhead | Karai | Dr. Chaplin | Agent Bishop | Fugitoid | Traximus | Zog | Miyamoto Usagi | Nanobots | Renet Tilley | The Ancient One | Augie O'Neil | Tang Shen | The Ninja Tribunal | Cody Jones | Serling | Starlee Hambrath
2012 TV series: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Karai | Ice Cream Kitty | Dr. Cluckingsworth | Fugitoid | Kirby O'Neil | Bishop | Mutanimals | (Slash | Leatherhead | Dr. Tyler Rockwell | Pigeon Pete) | Mona Lisa | Sal Commander | Utroms | Metalhead | Shinigami | Miyamoto Usagi | Mondo Gecko | Muckman | Jack Kurtzman | Alopex | Renet Tilley | Zeno the Triceraton | Bebop | Rocksteady
Rise of the TMNT: Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Todd Capybara | Frankenfoot | Piebald | Karai
Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Leatherhead | Wingnut | Ray Fillet | Scumbug | Pigeon Pete | Anamika Khatri | Harold | Lee the Eel | Mustang Sally

TMNT 1, 2, & 3: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo) | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Danny Pennington | Keno | Jordan Perry | Mitsu | Max Winters
TMNT (2007 film): Leonardo | Ralphael | Michelangelo | Donatello | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Karai
TMNT (2010 films): Leonardo | Splinter | Raphael | Michelangelo | Donatello | April O'Neil | Casey Jones
Rise of the TMNT: The Movie: Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Bebop and Rocksteady | Leatherhead | Mondo Gecko | Wingnut | Ray Fillet | Scumbug

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