
Lady Hayakawa

Lady Hayakawa is a heroine in the Samurai Warriors series. She is one of Ujiyasu Hōjō's daughters.

She was voiced by Satomi Satō.


Lady Hayakawa supports her family during their campaign. After Saburo was sent to Uesugi which adopted by Kenshin, she understood the reality of their era and the virtues of her father, because they defended their family ally Ujizane Imagawa, who guarded Tootōmi and Suruga. Hayakawa is a gentle woman who was prove herself for being smart, as well as likes to talk with her family.

At some point, Lady Hayakawa wants to protect her mother's Imagawa roots. Although her brother hopes to reduce the loss in Mimasotoge, Kai's departure has encouraged other members of Hōjō to take action against Shingen. Later on, the maidens led the Hōjō reinforcements on Saburō's behalf during his war against Kagekatsu. Lady Hayakawa encouraged the Hōjō army to resist the invasion of her home by Toyotomi. When Kai faltered, the princess left the position to helped.

However, She tried to protect the entrance to the main castle and revived to protect her father. After Ujiyasu's death, as a condition for their surrender, she stayed under the care of Ieyasu, at least to monitor the homeland of Hōjō. Because she owed Tokugawa, Lady Hayakawa had to fight for them in Ōsaka Castle, but she can helped Kai stand in Oshi Castle's position.




  • Her real name is unknown. The name listed above is her Buddhist name.
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