
Mr. Goose

Mr. Goose protesting that he doesn't know how to drive the golden carriage.I can't drive. I'm a goose.

Mr. Goose, is a minor character in the 2015 adaptation of Disney's Cinderella. He is portrayed by Gareth Mason.

Role in Film

Mr. Goosey Goose is a goose who lives with Cinderella on the farm with other animals. Gareth Mason plays in his coachman form. He is transformed into a coachman by the Fairy Godmother so that Cinderella can attend the ball. Mr. Goose takes the place of Major the horse in the remake of the film as a coachman.

Nonetheless, the goose coachman manages to drive Ella to the royal palace and drives Ella out afterward to the best of his abilities.

Like the lizard footmen, even in human form, the goose coachman still retains goose characteristics in terms of his coloring (orange stockings representing goose legs and a white overcoat representing feathers).

He is later seen on the balcony with the mice and lizards as Ella and Kit are married.

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