

Nardole is a companion of the Twelfth Doctor, serving as a major character in the 2015 Christmas Special, The Husbands of River Song, the deuteragonist in the 2016 Christmas Special, The Return of Doctor Mysterio and the tritagonist of Series 10 of Doctor Who. Nardole first met the Doctor as an ally of River Song, and would be was assigned to look after him after they parted ways with River. He also wanted the Doctor to follow his oath of guarding the Vault that contained Missy, but would eventually join him and Bill Potts on trips in time and space.

He was played by the comic actor Matt Lucas.



Nardole said many anecdotes about his past life, which were ambiguous if they were true. At one point, he worked as a con artist and black market trader, which he was very guilty about. At some point, he was in a relationship with an actress called Velma, who apparently left him for an AI.

The Husbands of River Song

In 5343, Nardole worked for River Song, and on Mendorax Dellora, he was sent to find the surgeon that was supposed to extract a diamond from the head of her current husband, King Hydroflax. However he mistakenly believed the Twelfth Doctor to be the surgeon and brought him along. After River's plan was revealed, and she and the Doctor had absconded with Hydroflax's organic head, his robotic body demanded answers from Nardole, and elected to extract his head and attached it to his body.

Later, whilst holding a gun to Nardole's head, Hydroflax's body forced him to draw in Ramone, whose head the body took while storing Nardole's within itself. Nardole continued being a hostage all the way up until the body caught up with River on the Harmony and Despair. After the Doctor managed to destroy the onboard computer, Nardole and Ramone managed to take full control of the body, and they would go onto work as a waiter on the planet they crashed onto, Darillium.

After Darillium

Nardole would work at the restaurant that the Doctor and River spent their last 24 years together. During this time, not wanting to be left alone, the Doctor "glued" Nardole's head onto a new, more humanoid body, leaving him a partial cyborg. After the Doctor left Darillium, River gave him a last request to look after him, and after retrieving her diary from her deathplace, Nardole followed the Doctor to a planet where he was supposed to execute his former friend and enemy Missy. Disguised as a priest, Nardole intervened in the proceedings and instructed him not to kill Missy as his late wife wouldn't approve. The Doctor let Missy live, and he and Nardole locked her in a Quantum Fold Chamber. At the Doctor's oath, the pair would guard the vault for the next thousand years. Nardole became the Doctor's companion, and saw it as his duty to ensure the Doctor was all right following River's death.

The Return of Doctor Mysterio

Guarding the Vault

Nardole and the Doctor would settle at St Luke's University, where they guarded the Vault from the 1940s to 2017, with Nardole acting as the Doctor's valet while the Doctor acted as a lecturer.


Battling the Monks

Adventures with the Doctor and Bill

World Enough and Time

Twice Upon a Time


  • Nardole was not created to be a companion in The Husbands of River Song. After Matt Lucas was happy to reprise the role, the writer Steven Moffat wrote him as a regular.
  • Nardole is the first alien companion to appear on the Doctor Who TV show for 30 years, since Turlough. However, there have been alien companions in the expanded universe.
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