
Nene Amano

Nene Amano (天野 ネネ Amano Nene) is a character in the Digimon Fusion series, and serves as one of the female protagonists. She is partner of SparrowmonMonitamon, and Mervamon.

She is voiced by Melissa Fahn (who also voices Clara / Glitter Clover in Glitter Force Doki Doki and Tea Gora in Into Magon Saga) in English and Houko Kuwashima in Japanese.


She have brown hair in ponytail. She have purple eyes.



A mysterious girl who was originally the general of Midnight, blackmailed by AxeKnightmon through her brother Ewan into helping him obtain the Darkness Loader. After being saved by Mikey once AxeKnightmon obtains the item, Nene joins the Fusion Fighters as her black Fusion Loader turns lavender.

Digimon Fusion

Season 1

On SkullKnightmon's orders, Nene continuously spies and assists, Mikey and Christopher, forming an alliance with the latter in the Lake Zone. She later reveals her relationship to SkullKnightmon while in the Jungle Zone before later being trapped in a tower, once she is no longer needed. Following the team up between Blue Flare and the Fusion Fighters against the forces of Laylamon and Axeknightmon in the Dust Zone, Nene joins the Fusion Fighters after they end up in the Warrior Zone. Though her Fusion Loader was damaged, it regained its function once she accepted her role as a member of the team, as it changes color from black to lavender.

Though she travels separately from them, using the Monitamon to stay in touch, Nene uses her intelligence gathering to help the Fusion Fighters, while looking for her brother. After Mikey, Jeremy, Angie and Shoutmon are sent to Earth by Bagramon, Nene began to make a habit to don disguises to move incognito in the reformatted Digital World.

Season 2

After being reunited with Mikey. While in Honey Land, gaining Mervamon as an ally, Nene finally finds her brother Ewan, as well as learns that he is deceived by SkullKnightmon into believing that the Digital World and its inhabitants are all part of a virtual game where killing Digimon and humans alike will bear no consequences. Upon learning of this, Nene vowed to make Ewan realize the truth and bring him back home.

Season 3

Following the battle with MegaDarknessBagramon, Nene traveled to Hong Kong to become an Idol, with Sparrowmon and Mervamon in her Fusion Loader. Also knowing about the DigiQuartz as well, Nene returns to Japan to fight Quartzmon alongside her friends.

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