

Ragman is a fictional DC Comics mystic vigilante and superhero who first appeared in the short-lived comic-book series named after him. He is one of a number of Jewish superheroes, and his continuity is tied to that of DC Comics' Golem, derived from the Golem of Prague of Jewish folklore. Ragman was created by writer Robert Kanigher and artist Joe Kubert.


After a failed mission to raid a tomb in the Israeli desert, war veteran Rory Regan is plagued by the deaths of his partners. As Rory battles his guilt back in Gotham City, he discovers that what was in that tomb has followed him home, and it’s about to change his life. But as Rory begins his journey, an evil is invading Gotham City, and it wants what he’s discovered.

Powers & Abilities

The Ragman acquires corrupted souls by absorbing them and adding them as a rag in the suit. Doing this, however, makes the Ragman weak and sick. The Ragman can use the physical powers of any number of the corrupted souls that make up his suit. This increases his strength, speed, and stamina with every soul. However, it is difficult to tap into a large number of souls at one time. The Ragman suit will materialize whenever he is in danger, and it can teleport the Ragman to wherever he's needed. Also, The Ragman suit can turn into other forms and weapons. The suit has shown some power of flight or levitation.

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