Super Robin is a recurring character in the animated series Teen Titans Go!. He is an American Robin that was used as an experiment for Robin to have superpowers but things took a different turn ending with the robin possessing Robin's DNA which would give him Robin's abilities sometimes using them as an advantage to steal food but would use them to stop evil in Jump City.
Super Robin was originally an American Robin that first appeared in the episode of the same name. Robin wanted to merge his DNA with the robin in order to have superpowers of his own, but the results ended with the robin possessing Robin's DNA along with his fighting abilities. The rest of Super Robin's appearance in the episode shows him using his abilities as an advantage to steal food. Once Robin finally gets his powers, announces he solved all the world's problems and made meatloaf for dinner, the robin swooped in via grappling gun, grabs the meatloaf and swings away. The robin is next seen in the episode 72 years in the future when an elderly Robin is feeding a bag of birdseed to some birds. Super Robin flips over to the bench Robin was sitting, snatches the bag and swings away.
Super Robin makes a cameo appearance in the episode "Lazy Sunday". At a community center, a little girl is eating ice cream but the robin flips over, snatches the ice cream, licks it and swings away.
Super Robin makes another cameo appearance in the episode "Birds". He was among a flock of uninvited birds that were brought into the tower for a bird party hosted by Muscle and Flex. He attempts to romanticize Raven thinking she was a literal Raven and went too far as to try and kiss her which resulted in him getting punched in the face.
In "Little Buddies", Super Robin plays his first major role. He is one of the many Little Buddies who fights against Pain Bot, while Super Robin tries to intimidate him with his staff, Pain Bot shoots a laser beam against him, apparently spraying him.
In "Brian", Super Robin plays his second and last major role, there he is revealed that survive to Pain Bot's shoot. He goes to Birdarang's birthday party along with Beat Box, Pain Bot and Dave. During the party his dance moves seduces Starfire, much to Robin's annoyance. 8 months later he notices that the Teen Titans were captured by Brain and leds the group to his building to save the team. While he manages to defeat Monsieur Mallah and the soldiers of Brain. He is defeated by Brain while fighting his new armor. However, Birdarang defeated Brain on his place.
In "The Best Robin", after Brother Blood almost kills the Teen Tians and the Team Robin, Super Robin arrives in the last moment. Deactvating the maching, destroying Hurt Bot and capturing Brother Blood. Afther this, he is designated the best Robin.
In "Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star", he makes a cameo between the superheroes who are goint to participate in the contest to be the next member of the Justice League.
- Despite being a hero, he still commited some bad deeds:
- Stealing people's foods (this can be justified since he is still just a robin and is following his instincts).
- Stole Robin's homemade meatloaf.
- Snatched an elderly Robin's birdseed 72 years in the future.
- Snatched a little girl's ice cream and licked it to taunt her.
- During a Bird Party hosted by the Mockingbirds, he attempted to kiss Raven so he was punched into feathers.
- Stealing people's foods (this can be justified since he is still just a robin and is following his instincts).