Susanoomon is the legendary hero in Digimon Frontier and alter-ego of Takuya and Koji combined.
He resembles the DNA evolution of EmperorGreymon and MagnaGarurumon.
Digimon Frontier
Susanoomon appears for the first time in the episode "The Koichi Sacrifice". When Koichi sacrifices himself to save the others from Lucemon Chaos Mode, the boy entrusts his Digispirit of Darkness to his brother Koji. Takuya and Koji then join together all the twenty Digispirit and become Susanoomon, born from the Legendary Digievolution Spirit. In this form, the two fight against Lucemon Chaos Mode, whose attack, which had previously eliminated Koichi, is canceled due to separation in humans and Digispirit before it can take effect. Susanoomon then uses his Celestial Blade and defeats the Digimon, scanning and acquiring the positive part of his Digicode.
Unfortunately, the negative part of his Digicode manifests itself in the enormous Lucemon Shadowlord Mode, which continues to try to penetrate the human world. Defeated in their minor forms, the Digiprescelti lose hope, until the Digispirit themselves, together with the Angelic Digimon, manifest themselves to infuse them with courage and strength. All five together, Takuya, Koji, JP, Zoe and Tommy, digivolve together to form Susanoomon once again. Susanoomon manages to penetrate Lucemon's Gehenna, a dark sphere in which Lucemon Larva is hiding. In the final battle, Susanoomon manages to tear apart the Gehenna and destroy the body of Lucemon Shadowlord Mode. Taken by surprise by the attack of Lucemon Larva, however, the Digispirit project the Digiprescelti outside of Susanoomon. Then retrieve the sword from the ZERO ARMS: Orochi and, dividing into the Human-type forms of the Ten Legendary Warriors, destroy Lucemon once and for all.
This God Man, who rules over creation and destruction, is based on the strongest known god in Eastern legend. It is said that when a network system descends into chaos, it will descend, erase the existing network, and create a new one. Its special attacks are "Ama-no-Habakiri", which slashes at everything that exists in the entire world with its "ZERO-ARMS: Orochi" light sword, and "Yakusa-no-Ikadzuchi", which aims its "ZERO-ARMS: Orochi" into the heavens, making it fire down destructive bolts of lightning across the land.
- Celestial Blade (天羽々斬 Ama-no-Habakiri?, lit. "Slash of Heavenly Wings"): Slices and stabs everything in the world with the ZERO-ARMS: Orochi.
- Heaven's Thunder[6] (八雷神 Yakusa-no-Ikadzuchi?, lit. "Eight Thunder Gods"): Points the ZERO-ARMS: Orochi at the heavens, which then rain incessant bolts of lightning upon the ground. Its power is rivaled by "Plasma Crack".
- ZERO-ARMS: Orochi
Powers and Abilities
- Transcendant Physiology - User with this ability either is or can transform into a Transcendent Being, existing in a state of being free from the constraints of the material world, as in the case of a deity or other beings that can/have overcome the limitations of physical existence and also be/become independent of it. User is physically and mentally beyond essentially all forms of harm or other ways to influence them (outside of other beings of similar status, superior beings or some specific concepts), and gain powers that are supernatural to outside viewers. While they can enter into the material universe, becoming immanent, their true being is outside existence and thus both independent and outside of everything that happens to their manifested/avatar form. As they are able to perceive existence in a completely different and transcendent way, they can achieve things that are beyond the understanding of lesser beings, for example, a children's toy built by them could be used as a dangerous, and unstoppable weapon by the lower races. There is also different variations within godhoods, and they are split into three flavours:
- Religion Focused: Deities of this category originate from sacred doctrines, especially the fact that there is a single Supreme Being, which is basically the most powerful kind of God imaginable that created the entirety of existence. For example, God himself is a Trinity God, which is the purest and most accurate kind of Supreme Being.
- Mythology/Folklore Focused: Gods of this category stem from myths, also alternatively referred to as legends and folklore. Greek gods can be the best example of those kinds of Deities. More often than not, there are Divine Lords, which are basically Gods that are immensely powerful over their kind, though not to the same echelon of power a monotheistic deity has.
- Race Focused: Deities that are of this category, are associated with races (like animals, beings, monsters, aliens, and the whole nine yards), yet have godly influence over the specific kinds of races they exclusively belong to. Race lords, while they are immensely powerful, are not of this since they are not of, and just have powers that aren’t of godly status. However, what the race lords and race-focused deities have in common, is that they can both possibly be progenitors of the species they’re part of, and both are superior over their species. In basic terms, race lords are of course powerful, but nowhere near the same level as the race-focused gods. Unlike race lords, race-focused gods have physiological powers (and/or even abilities that their kin doesn’t always have in physiology terms), and most/all their racial weaknesses are stripped clean, therefore making them nigh-unbeatable until a reliable way of defeating them was discovered, like forcibly giving them weaknesses via powers, objects, etc, and/or removing their godhood, and possibly among others along those lines.
- Transformation Ascendancy - Susanoomon can ascend through transformation, undergoing a change of being completely remaking/modifying their personal existence into a far more powerful and ascending/transcending state completely enhancing themselves into a far more superior version of self, possibly achieving an almighty ascension making them virtually omnipotent.