
Uri Reiss

Considering the legacy of persecution we’ve brought upon the Ackerman line… your hatred is justified. But… right now… I can’t die. Please forgive me… for being a fool who couldn’t build a paradise, even in this tiny space within the Walls.Uri apologizing to Kenny.

Kenny… not long in the future, this world… will be ruined. I want to create a paradise… for the surviving, waning remnants of humanity. You believe in violence, do you not? It is an unavoidable truth of this world. But… the two of us were on an unstoppable path of mutual destruction. What was it that turned us into friends.? Was it violence?Uri to Kenny.

Uri Reiss is a character in the manga and anime, Attack on Titan. He was a former king of the Walls and a wielder of the Founding Titan, which he possessed from his father. He would during his reign, end the persecution of the Ackerman bloodline after he befriended Kenny Ackerman. During the end of Uri’s life, he transferred the Founding Titan to his niece, Frieda Reiss.


Human Form

Uri was a short man of a slim frame and build. He had long light-colored hair (brownish in the anime) that he kept in the style of a bob. During his final days, Uri would drastically age in appearance, as his hair became gray, and he started getting numerous wrinkles across his slender face. Uri normally had grayish blue eyes, but when he was under the control of the First King’s will, his eyes started to change into a light purple color.

Founding Titan Form

His Titan was only seen half-formed, but he presumably had the standard 13 meters in height just like the other Founding Titans. His facial features also appeared to be very similar to that of his human form.


Uri Reiss was depicted as a compassionate and idealistic individual. He was known for his strong sense of pacifism towards others and his desire to create a better world for them. Uri's personality is also marked by a sense of introspection and wisdom. He had a close friendship with Kenny Ackerman, despite the differences in their backgrounds and personalities. Uri's willingness to connect with people from different walks of life showed his open-mindedness and desire for unity.

Uri, under the First King’s will, held a deep regret for the actions of his ancestors, acknowledging the cruelty that was inflicted on the Ackerman bloodline, and probably also to all other people that were living outside the Walls. This guilt and empathy for the suffering of others drove him to want to end the longstanding conflict between the Eldians within the Walls and those beyond them by letting his own people perish in the eventual destruction awaiting them.

It is unknown, however, just how much of Uri’s personality was influenced by the First King’s will. But considering that during his final talk with Kenny, where he didn’t appear to have the purple eyes, shows that his pacifism and desire to make just world, even in the midst of the dire circumstances awaiting his people, was in fact all genuine.



Uri Reiss was born on December 31st somewhere within Wall Sina. He was the second and youngest child of a nobleman by the name of Reiss whose family were the true secret rulers of the Walls. Uri had an older brother named Rod, and their father would eventually inherit the Founding Titan and become the true King of the Walls some years later, around the year 816. During the time their father had the Founding Titan, Uri and his brother would relentlessly plead to their father to liberate humanity from the Walls and eradicate all the Titans outside, but he always rejected, never explaining why.

13 years after Uri and Rod’s father obtained the Founding, his term came to an end, so his two sons had to decide who would become the next holder of the Titan. In the year 829, Uri volunteers to become the next predecessor, he tells his brother that he will be fine and asks Rod to pray for him. Uri injected himself with a syringe containing Titan spinal fluid, he turned into a Pure Titan and then devoured his father, successfully attaining the Founding Titan. Rod rushes towards Uri and as he wakes up now back to his human form, Uri opens his eyes and Rod notices that it has exact same look their father once had. Rod then concluded that however obtains the Founding Titan will gain the knowledge and power to that of a “god”.

Uri, now being the Founder and King, was not only under the influence of the First King’s will but also gained the memories of the Founding Titan’s past users, and thus became knowledgeable about humanities past and the truth as to what happened before the Walls were created. Uri, who was once trying to convince his father to save humanity from the Titans, now became his father’s ideological equal, and tried to maintain a pacifistic approach to his reign as king. While Rod had no understanding as to what Uri experienced when he became the new Founder, he found himself becoming a servant to his brother’s ideals, believing him to be highest being in the entire world.

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