The Ziperator Force, also known as Team Anubias' Ziperator Force, is a group of Ziperators formed by the Team Anubias.
After Anubias and Sellon's demise, the Team Anubias own now the Ziperators of each attribute, each Ziperator possesses a different power.
Pyrus Ziperator
Pyrus Ziperator possesses a Pyrotic power to defeat a Chaos Bakugan, he has a fire element showing his fiery power. He has green eyes
Ventus Ziperator
Ventus Ziperator has the Ventus Powers, he possesses a wind element with his incredible powers, he has red eyes.
Subterra Ziperator
Subterra Ziperator possesses a earth power with his elements, he has green eyes like Pyrus Ziperator.
Aquos Ziperator
Aquos Ziperator possesses the water element with his water power, his powers are incredible as powerful and he has red eyes like Ventus Ziperator.