Open data
We provide different sets of meta-data concerning the Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (HDS).
Article lists
The lists of HDS articles are given for different categories and languages:
(upload date: 18/11/2024)
License: CC-0
Format: UTF-8 CSV.
Fields are:
- ID: internal HDS ID
- Lemma, Complement, Precision: parts of the article titles
- URL: URL on the eDHS.
Format: UTF-8 CSV.
Fields are:
- ID: internal HDS ID
- Lemma, Complement, Precision: parts of the article titles
- URL: URL on the eDHS.
Authority Files
We provide two files linking HDS ID with GND and VIAF:
GND Beacon file
(25842 entries - upload date: 18/11/2024)
VIAF Beacon file
(22146 entries - upload date: 18/11/2024)
Authors information
We provide information about the authors of all the articles of the HDS:
(upload date: 18/11/2024)
License: CC-0
Format: XML.
Fields are:
- ID: internal HDS ID of the article
- ENTRY: title of the article
- NAME: name of the author
Format: XML.
Fields are:
- ID: internal HDS ID of the article
- ENTRY: title of the article
- NAME: name of the author