
Hong Kong Buses Wiki:Route info template system

Route info template system is a system for Route info templates which are being used in many pages of hk bus routes.

Making info template

Format are as follows:

Route number			-->|num=59A<!--
Operator				-->|operator=[[KMB]]<!--
Route template			-->|numtpl=KMB<!--
Outbound origin			-->|tmn1={{bt|Ti Hing}}<!--
Outbound destination	-->|tmn2={{bt|Kowloon}}<!--
Inbound origin			-->|tmn3={{bt|Causeway Bay}}<!--
Inbound destination		-->|tmn4={{bt|Star Ferry}}<!--
Route type				-->|type=C<Ensign Ifield Ex-Workers!--
Full fare				-->|fare=$5.8<!--Ensign IfieldSchBook Ex-Buses
Service type			-->|service=<!--CP-59A
Outbound service type	-->|servicea=<!--59A
Inbound service type	-->|serviceb=<!--59A
Additional info			-->|additional=<!--
Terminus reversed		-->|reversed=<!--
Cancelled?				-->|cancelled=<!--
Date of commencement	-->|intro=YYYYMMDD<!--
Date of cancellation	-->|cancel=YYYYMMDD<!--
-->}}<noinclude>{{Routedata viewer}}</noinclude>

List of properties:

  • num: Rt. numer without prefix template, e.g.: '1A', 'X42C'
  • operator: Operator with linking, e.g.: [[KMB]]」
  • numtpl: Prefix template of the route, like "KMB", "CHT"
  • tmn1: Outbound origin with linking, e.g.: {{pti|Cyberport}}
  • tmn2: Outbound destination with linking
  • tmn3: Inbound origin, ignore if same with tmn2
  • tmn4: Inbound destination, ignore if same with tmn1
  • tmn5: Combination of 'tmn1' and 'tmn4', shown in Route destinations
  • tmn6: Combination of 'tmn2' and 'tmn3', shown in Route destinations
  • type: Route type, 'C' for circular, 'S' for unideirectional service, ignore it for bidirectional route
  • fare: Full fare with the symbol '$', like '$6.5'. Use comma to seperate differnet full fare, e.g.: "$10.1 (Wkdays), $3.2 (Wkends & P.H.)"
  • service: Service type, can be abbr. or self-input text, not used with servicea or serviceb
  • servicea: Outbound service type, applicable to bi-directional routes only, and used with serviceb but not service
  • serviceb: Inbound service type, applicable to bi-directional routes only, and used with servicea but not service
  • additional: Additional info
  • notspecialA、notspecialB…: when it is not empty, it means this/these trip(s) is/are not special trips
  • reversed:When it is a non-null value, it means that in the application of Route item, tmn1 and tmn2 are swapped, and tmn3 and tmn4 are swapped. Other templates are not affected by this property.
  • cancelled:When it is non-null, it means that the route/special departure has been cancelled/not started serice (used when creating a template/attribute before starting), and the Rtitem field will not display relevant information
  • intro、cancel:The service start date and service cessation date, the parameter format is: YYYYMMDD.

  1. Where tmn1, tmn2, tmn3, tmn4, tmn5, tmn6, type, fare, farenac, service, servicea, serviceb, additional, reversed, cancelled are applicable to special departures, and their attribute names are "A", "B", " C", "D", and "E" are placed after the last letter of the original attribute name, such as tmnA1, serviceA, etc. Except for fare, other attributes need to be input repeatedly even if the information is the same.
  2. "tmn1" to "tmn6" must have values as follows: one-way route: {1,2}, circular route: {1,2}{1,2,4}, two-way route: {1,2}{1 ,2,3}{1,2,4}{1,2,3,4}{1,2,3,6}{1,2,4,5}{1,2,3,4,5} {1,2,3,4,6}{1,2,3,4,5,6}

Routes with priorities making templates or need not making templates

  • route with all substation articless completed
  • A route with a large number of sub-stations
  • Itineraries where the location of the terminus is easy to change
no need to make
  • Bus routes that have been canceled will not be changed due to information such as origin and destination points
  • Festival and large-scale event bus routes, because only the two terminals will use the route information

System templates

Capture the data in the data template and display the route data in a specific format. Different templates are used in different positions of the entry.

Route item

The information is displayed in the route information section of the station entry, "Rtitem" redirects here.

  • Anonymous parameter 1: The name of the data template, which will be automatically converted to uppercase letters
  • Anonymous parameter 2: The displayed special shift (if any), represented by the letters A to E, will be automatically converted to capital letters
  • Anonymous reference 3/dir: the direction of the route, "A" or not filled in is the outbound journey, "B" is the return journey, and "C" is at the turning point (only applicable to circular lines), which will be automatically converted to uppercase letters
  • ways: "0" is a single-line display of the service type of round-trip, "1" is a single-line display of "one-way route", "2" is a double-line default display of "both round-trip routes"
  • alttext:
    • When the route direction is "C": the text replaces the word "loop point here"
    • When the number of passing directions is "2": the text replaces the words "both round and round trips pass"; or when this parameter is "NO", hide the above words
  • nummark: Mark after the route number (if any)
  • comment: individual additional text for route notes
  • hideservice: When the value is not empty, it will display in four columns, and the remark column will not be displayed. This parameter is not applicable when "ways=2"

Route destinations

The start and end points of the route, usually used in the infobox (information column) of the route entry, "Rtdest", "Dest" redirect here

  • Anonymous parameter 1: The name of the data template, which will be automatically converted to upper case letters
  • Anonymous parameter 2: Display special shifts (if any), represented by A-E letters, which will be automatically converted to uppercase

Route introduction date

Route service date(s), "Rtdate" redirects here

  • Anonymous parameter 1: The name of the data template, which will be automatically converted to uppercase letters
  • Anonymous parameter 2: Select the parameter "intro" (service start date) and parameter "cancel" (service stop date) respectively

Route fare

The start and end points of the route will be used in the infobox (information column) of the route entry, "Rtfare", "Fare" redirect here

  • Anonymous parameter 1: The name of the data template, which will be automatically converted to uppercase letters.
  • Anonymous parameter 2: The displayed special shift (if any), represented by the letters A-E, will be automatically converted to uppercase letters
  • Anonymous parameter 3: Displays the separation between air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned fares, usually "<br>", when the parameter is blank, it means no separation, when there is no parameter specified, it is "/", only Suitable for mixed air-conditioned and non air-conditioned routes

Route fare2

It is mainly used to select the designated fare for independently displayed routes (such as flat fare, air-conditioning fare, non-air-conditioning fare, weekday fare, holiday fare and segmental fare), "Rtfare2", "Fare2" redirects here

  • Anonymous parameter 1: The name of the data template, which will be automatically converted to uppercase letters.
  • Anonymous reference 2:
    • No input: Call the {{Route fare}} template directly to display all fares and flat fares in the route entry.
    • AC or ac: Only display the air-conditioning charges in the route entry, but the "fare-ac" variable must be defined in the route data template to take effect.
    • NA or na: only display the non-air-conditioning fare in the route entry, but the "fare-na" variable must be defined in the route data template to take effect.
    • WD or wd: Only display the weekday fare in the route entry, but the "fare-wd" variable must be defined in the route data template to take effect.
    • HD or hd: Only display the holiday fare in the route entry, but the "fare-hd" variable must be defined in the route data template to take effect.
    • S1 to S15 or s1 to s15: only display the section fare in the route entry, but the variables "fare-s1" to "fare-s15" must be defined in the route data template to take effect, and a maximum of 15 sections can be supported section fare charging parameters.

Route link

Show normal route number link, "Rtlink" and "Rt" redirect here

  • Anonymous parameter 1: The name of the data template, which will be automatically converted to uppercase letters
  • Hidden reference 2: The code used to display the color of the route number stickers will be automatically converted to uppercase letters, please pay attention to the relevant route number template

Use in Bus Route Information

method 1:

  • Use “Rtdest” and “Rtfare” templates to display route data in the “normal” and “fullfare” parameters of the template
  • "start", "arrow", "end" parameters will be disabled

Method 2:

  • Enter the name of the data template (upper or lower case) in the "data" parameter of the template, and the route number, current operator, full fare and origin and destination information will be automatically displayed
  • "start", "arrow", "end", "normal", "name", "operator", "fullfare" parameters will be disabled

Service type code names

See this template for details.

Method 1

Enter specific words.

word show

Method 2

Enter a three-letter abbreviation, the first letter is weekday (Monday to Friday), followed by Saturday (except public holidays), and the last letter is Sunday and public holidays

  • A: Weekday morning rush hour or corresponding hours
  • E: weekday afternoon rush hour or corresponding hours
  • F: full-time service
  • M: morning morning
  • N: weekday daytime non-peak hours or corresponding hours
  • P: Morning and afternoon peak hours or corresponding hours on weekdays
  • X: Suspension of service throughout the day

Common examples include “AAX” on weekdays and Saturdays, “PXX” on weekdays from Monday to Friday, “XXN” on Sundays and public holidays, etc.

Note 1