
Per favor, non dele le articulos [1].

Gratias, --Julian (disc.) 17:30, 1 martio 2016 (UTC)Responder

To the Anonymous Guy


Please understand that this is a community of encyclopedia writers. It is good that you like to provide quality knowledge, please continue to do so. But you can do this with blogs. It is good that you contribute here but you need to be able to work with people and not piss them off. We need to be able to work, coordinate and corroborate with each other.--Jondel (discussion) 01:20, 25 septembre 2016 (UTC)Responder

Isto es le pagina de discussion pro un usator anonyme qui non ha ancora create un conto, o qui non lo usa. Consequentemente nos debe usar le adresse IP numeric como identification. Un tal adresse IP pote esser usate in commun per varie personas. Si tu es un usator anonyme e pensa que commentos irrelevante ha essite dirigite a te, per favor crea un conto o aperi un session pro evitar futur confusiones con altere usatores anonyme.