Special Frontier Force (Paramilitary group)
Establishment 22 (Paramilitary group)
S.F.F. (Paramilitary group)
SFF (Paramilitary group)
Smag-sde Ang 22 (Paramilitary group)
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Associated Locale
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Mi tsheʼi ring Bod spyi don ched zhi drag gi las ʼgan blangs rim, 2015:page 214 (Smag-sde Ang 22)
found: Wikipedia, viewed 2016-10-19(The Special Frontier Force (SFF) is a paramilitary special force of India created on 14 November 1962. Its main goal originally was to conduct covert operations behind Chinese lines in the event of another Sino-Indian War. The SFF came to be known as 'Establishment 22' due to its first Inspector General, Major General Sujan Singh Uban (Retd.) of Indian Army, who used to be commander of 22 Mountain Regiment during World War II, a Military Cross holder and a legendary figure in the British India Army. Singh commanded the 22nd Mountain Regiment during World War II in Europe and a Long Range Desert Squadron (LRDS) in North Africa. Based in Chakrata, Uttarakhand, the force was put under the direct supervision of the Intelligence Bureau, and later, the Research and Analysis Wing, India's external intelligence agency)
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
2016-10-19: new
2019-12-25: revised
Alternate Formats