Ikariam- Wiki
Ikariam- Wiki
     Benutzer:Jrooksjr in anderen Sprachen: ar: ( Arabic / League of Arab States [ Arabic / Algeria-Arabic / Bahrain-Arabic / Egypt-Arabic / Saudi Arabia-Arabic / United Arab Emirates ] ) • bg: Bulgarian / Bulgaria • el: Greek / Greece • en: ( English / United Kingdom / Great Britain-English / USA / United States of America ) • es: ( Spanish / Argentine Republic-Spanish / Chile-Spanish / Mexico-Spanish / Spain-Spanish / Venezuela ) • fi: Finnish / Finland • fr: French / France • he: Hebrew / Israel • hu: Hungarian / Hungary • it: ( Italian / Italy-Italian / Republic of San Marino-Italian / Vatican City ) • lt: Lithuanian / Lithuania • nl: Dutch / Netherlands • pl: Polish / Poland • pt: Portuguese / Portugal • ro: Romanian / Romania • ru: Russian / Russia • sr: Serbian / Serbia • sv: Swedish / Sweden • vi: Vietnamese / Vietnam • zh: Traditional Chinese / Mainland China und zh-hant: ( Simplified Chinese / Hong Kong-Simplified Chinese / Macau-Simplified Chinese / Taiwan )

Hello, my name is James (I go by Morphias), I am a Bureaucrat on the English Ikariam wiki. Please, feel free to use any information from our site, if you need help or have questions. You can also email me as well.