JP:Slow all your opponents down for a short while. Can be used freely/anywhere. EN:Slow the enemy with a flash of black lightning! Attack / Defence - Either half.
JP:Make your opponents' speed go drastically down with the power of darkness and calmly take advantage of their openings! EN:Deep darkness slows your opponent to a crawl so you can take the lead.
Chrono Stone
JP:Make the speed of all of your opponents' movements go down through the power of darkness. The effect lasts for about 10 seconds, however. EN:Black lightning strikes your opponents and slows them down for ten seconds.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
It is used by Makai Gundan Z. It was first used in episode 110 during the match against Kidou Yuuto's team, it scored the first goal for Makai Gundan Z. Tachimukai broke through this tactic the second time. This tactic has two different effects in the anime and in the games; in the anime, the time is temporarily stopped, giving the user the ability to reach the goalkeeper and score a goal. In the game, it slows the opponent team's movement speed by some time.
The player summons a dark purple thundercloud that strikes purple thunderbolts to the soccer field below, stopping time. All the opposing players are then frozen in time, allowing the player to freely kick the ball forward. The player then runs past the goalkeeper, and as the hissatsu tatics ends, he is then able to score a goal easily.
In the English localization, despite its typography showing Dark Thunder, Desuta still says its original name.