Asuto and Kozoumaru used Counter Drive during the match between Inakuni Raimon and Hakuren. Fubuki Atsuya used Hissatsu Kumagoroshi Zan and they then stopped the shoot and reflected it towards Hakuren's own goal by using Counter Drive, scoring the fifth and winning goal for Inakuni Raimon.
They both used the technique again during the final between Inakuni Raimon and Outei Tsukinomiya. They reflected Nosaka Yuuma's King's Lance back to Outei Tsukinomiya's goal, but it was stopped by a combined effort of two defenders and Nishikage Seiya with his Ouke no Tate.
The two users run forward towards the incoming shot and kicks the ball at the same time. The users plant their feet on the ground as the shot pushes them back, almost all the way to the goal. The users use that momentum to push the ball back and towards the enemy goal.
Inazuma Eleven Ares no Tenbin
Inazuma Eleven SD
Despite being a technique, its shoot block functionality is that of a technique, as it sends the ball back towards the opponent's goal.