In the anime, the first two users run forward while the third user dribbles behind. The two users in front moves off to the side, while the third user does a front flip and lands on the ball. They then grab the ball using their foot and jumps up into the air, turning themself upside down, while the first two users jumps above them. The third user swings their leg forward, igniting the ball in a red aura. The other two users kick the ball at the same time, sending the ball forward. The third user lands down and kneels while the other two users are in the air behind the third user, creating a red triangle behind them.
Inazuma Eleven GO
Can be bought for 5,000 Nekketsu points at the hissatsu store on the path leading up to Pinball Stadium.
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Can be bought for 1,740 Nekketsu points at the hissatsu store in Orbius Square (オービアススクエア).
Inazuma Eleven GO
Inazuma Eleven SD
The strength of this technique in Inazuma Eleven GO was listed as "S" in "Inazuma Eleven GO Shine/Dark: Nekketsu Official Guidebook Kyuukyoku-ban".
Following Triangle Z, the three users also create a pose that resembles a triangle.